From Moms Across America some interesting news: Never in my - TopicsExpress


From Moms Across America some interesting news: Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine sitting down with the EPA in Washington DC with a team of esteemed PH.D scientists, lawyers and moms just as passionate as I am, about a chemical called glyphosate, which is sprayed on GMOs and our food crops. But there we were. Because of your support, your generous donations, your phone calls, your posts about and emails to the EPA to recall Roundup, they took us seriously. 9 members of the pesticide Re-Review board listened to 11 of us for 2 hours instead of 1. They listened to your testimonials and the statistics of our health crisis in America. It was intense. Their eyes displayed dismay, understanding and even searched for more. I saw that we have EPA members on our side. They may not be able to act now, but they want to. They want us to push on and give them the reason to make a bold change. They want their children to be safe as much as you and I. In other eyes, I saw denial, refusal and resistance. Their resignation weighed heavily in the air. I heard reasons, explanations and infuriating avoidance. I saw fear of change. Some of the board members refused to see just how urgent this is. They refused to see that we are breastfeeding our babies RIGHT NOW, today and we need for them to be safe. NOW. Despite our compelling binder of studies and undeniable evidence through testimonials of mothers of risk of harm, they did not agree to our request to recall Roundup, or revoke the license of glyphosate. They did not agree to issue a simple statement advising mothers to eat organic. They did agree however, to continue working with us, to give us the protocol for the upcoming scientific study of glyphosate in breast milk which was funded as a result of our preliminary testing, supported by Sustainable Pulse. They did agree to ask Monsanto for their breast milk testing that we have word they are conducting. They did agree to include include that study in their review of glyphosate, which happens only once every 15 years. I hope you understand how profound your support is in turning their decision from one that supports the profits of corporations to one that protects the health of our children. Please continue to send the EPA your demands to recall roundup at momsnoroundup@gmail, we will save and collect your experiences and forward them. We can do this. Each voice, each call, each purchase of organic food, is a step in the direction of health and freedom for generations. We thank you, wholeheartedly, for your support. EPA_mtg_breakfast.jpg Breakfast before the meeting with, clockwise starting front left, Anne Dietrich: President Truth in Labeling Coalition, Meghan Davenhall; President Thinking Moms Revolution, Sarach Cusack, DC MAA, Alexis Baden-Mayor Lawyer, Organic Consumers Asssoiciation, Zoe Swartz; P and East Coast Leader MAA, Zen Honeycutt, Founder MAA, Dr. Kristen Pullen scientist Natural Resources Defense Council, Nanette Elaine Reetz, MAA WA Leader and Nancy Louise Visser, US Marine, MAA DC. Here is media coverage on our story. We are grateful to Reuters Carey Gillam, who covered the meeting that very day. reuters/article/2014/05/27/us-monsanto-roundup-epa-idUSKBN0E71US2014052 The Organic Consumer Associations support has been wonderful: Many other media outlets see the importance of the mothers role in our cause as well: althealthworks/2319/moms-meet-with-epa-demand-answers-over-monsantos-roundup-chemical-in-breast-milk/ We wish to thank Sustainable Pulse, NYR Organic, and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and our other sponsors who donate to support the sharing of GMO info materials. Please allow their generous contribution to make a difference in your town. Join a 4th of July parade near you as a Moms Across America supporter and let your whole town know about GMOs and pesticidees in just a few hours, in a fun and family friendly way. As a leader, you will get free materials with paid shipping. Sign up as a parade host at momsacrossamerica/events_all. Next week we will send out the link to the new web store where you can order your supplies. ITS UP TO US!!! When we dont buy it, they cant sell it. When we buy organic we invest in our families and alter the future of America. THANK YOU Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America Dr.Michael Hansen, scientist Consumers Union and Aimee Simpson lawyer Beyond Pesticides (not photographed) joined us at the EPA. EPA_mtg_after.jpg Moms Across America momsacrossamerica/
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 15:15:26 +0000

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