From My Blog On Indonesia and on who is really to blame? I - TopicsExpress


From My Blog On Indonesia and on who is really to blame? I was not going to discuss this issue as I hold the view that all nations must spy though I do think spying on the Indonesians presidents’ mobile phone is a step too far. We cannot be naive everyone spies its not a unusual thing if it emerges Indonesia has been spying on Australia would anyone be surprised. I do not think this will be an issue as when Israel forged passports to assassinate a HMAS leader they used many nations passports including Australia despite earlier condemnation by the then Labor Government normal relations were restored after some time. Now with the Indonesian President sending a letter to Abbott this isn’t because they want the relationship destroyed there is an election in Indonesia in 2014 and in the opinion polls of Indonesia it is good politics to bash Australia. However I don’t think the former Labor Government or Tony Abbott is to blame and both do not have to apologise however the USA should be blamed. Now it was Edward Snowden that stole the information however he should of never been able to access this information especially information that can cause global problems. Now many conservatives are blaming the so-called left wing media for this crisis but lets look at the facts. Andrew Bolt and many conservatives have wondered why The Guardian Australia did not release this earlier however they have to methodically go though all the info to ensure no damaging information is released. To blame the media is a cop out its is a legitimate news story to publish information like this and to those who thinks Abbotts being attacked needs to get though their heads is his reaction to this issue is the problem a no comment would have been a better thing to say and allow the Foreign Affairs department to sought this out as they are the best people to do this. Now I have said already that this will not lead to a long term breakdown in relations as what people need to remember is that Australia played a huge role in Indonesia’s creation and I do think Abbott will privately apologise.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 07:07:00 +0000

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