From My Heart To Yours I can only say I am sorry for what has - TopicsExpress


From My Heart To Yours I can only say I am sorry for what has happened even as you are. I can only say that Jesus has wept with us and for us and is waiting for us to call on His name for deliverance unto the destroying of the works of Satan in our lives. Even as I feel your love for me so do you feel my love for you and only Jesus allows us to feel this love sent from Him and which Satan hates and always will until we overcome our sins through our repentance to each other and to Him. You know and I know and that He knows we have yet to fully do this. I can only repent, ask for forgiveness realizing that this is what Jesus requires of me and us . If we call upon His name together the promise is He will both deliver us and heal us even as He has done in the past. We are …our marriage is…His work and we are called by Him to glorify His name by he example of our inspired by Him love one for another. So far we have failed in doing this unto the shaming of Him before the very hosts of Heaven and unto our condemnation as well as before man. It is evident to me that being apart…even as you recently said, will be a “forever curse” upon each of us unto the glorifying of Satan and those that listen to his voice with their supporting his lies that now are the foundation of our present spiritual condition of darkness , despair, and separation. Jesus revealed to you how He sees me and my heart and most importantly, He also revealed to you my “Heavenly Standing” with Him and the hosts of heaven. You were given to see and know not only who I am but who I am called to for and on behalf of Him during this last dispensation of time. Please realize that what He showed you about me is also how He sees you! I know this and so does Satan the real trickster and liar from the beginning. What Jesus put in our hearts for one another is from Jesus meaning that we were led to each other because you and I were in fact the answer not only to our prayers but that we were foreordained to be together in this dispensation of time. Satan knowing this and WHY is why we have been his most favored targets in The Church of Jesus Christ The Son of God. That name was given by Jesus to Bob when the Church was to be renewed under and by the direction and power of Jesus Christ which we have talked about. Then...Zion. Jesus has time and again confirmed to both you and I that our love was His marvelous work and a wonder. Satan saw and raged against us using every spiritual device at his disposal such that we again gave heed to his voice with the results being our present realities. Hurting each other is how he divides us. When ones “integrity” is questioned in a most especial and important time, so then is their love one for another. It is then that Satan “activates the past” by triggering those devilish thoughts, feelings, and then the actions that are still a part of the “old Karen and OLD Richard. He continues to win when we fail to realize what he is doing and call upon Jesus and his love for us and the love we have for each other that is the only means by which the works of Satan will be destroyed...yes the love of Jesus is that power...and we know the power of that love we not? I can only say I am sorry. I have always had a desire and a willingness to help any and all in your family and Jesus knows this and if you ask Him, He will confirm that to you Karen. My love for you and them need not be doubted or questioned. The author of those thoughts is the Liar From The Beginning! I love you Karen and I miss you. I have tried to stop and I can’t because Jesus won’t let me and or will I believe allow this for our love to end. I could be wrong now but Jesus has time and again given us the testimony of this how many times!? IF in your heart you still love me and want us to truly be a husband and wife, then we must this time act in faith and never doubt again each other or God again! I know that He requires of us to make it known to others of our love and forgiveness of each other and that in fact we truly desire to be a husband and wife as called by Jesus. We are required by Him to share our testimony no matter what Satan would cause us to fear. I know what you are feeling Karen and felt your tears and agony and know that I too have felt that I was unloved and not wanted and again, it is the “liar from the beginning” that has done this to both of us. And we let him Karen. The hurtful things said to one another while here or on the phone or in text can never happen again and yes, God has convicted me of my sins while causing me to feel His compassion for me when I reacted to my love for your family and you being questioned again. Ask Jesus if I really love you with all my heart Karen. Please ask Him. Ask Him if it is His will that we should no longer honor our marriage covenant we made with each other. He both witnessed and blessed us by His continually delivering us from each and every attack by Satan WHEN we repented of “giving heed to his voice” in how we hurt each other. Satan wants us to believe it is “over” and if we do believe “his lie”, then that is our agency and God will accept that unto our condemnation in this life and that condemnation is our realization of without being “one and being with each other in our love for each other, our remaining life will be forever cursed literally even as it is now. The so called “peace”we say we feel is not of God. It is a peace that is the result of our not repenting and calling upon Jesus together while Satan is preparing his final plan to destroy us totally using “another” or “without each other”. IF we repent and allow Jesus to heal us which I know He will even as I type this, then yes, others will not understand and especially your family. All that comes to my mind is that if you desire for us to be husband and wife in our home, that you prepare to go and see Barbara. I know, but that is the only way we can be restored by Jesus enough such that when the time is right, we can share our testimony to them and others. This is all I have to say. I may never hear from you again because you may not read this but I am hoping and praying to God that not only will you, but that what I am doing and saying now is in fact the desire of your heart and the result of your prayers. If that is not so, then there is no need for you to respond. I love and miss you with all my heart and I am so sorry and I ask for your forgiveness for hurting you as I have. IF you desire to talk to me after much praying, then please call me at at my new number 417-543-6514. And yes I still desire to help $ wise FYI, Richard
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 02:27:13 +0000

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