From NewSong News: UBU, But Who Are U? Last Sunday, Pastor - TopicsExpress


From NewSong News: UBU, But Who Are U? Last Sunday, Pastor Geoff boldly asked the question, “Who do you think you are?” It’s an interesting question, once you get by the possible negative implications of the mere asking. While some might answer, “You don’t know who I am?” like we all should? I think most of us need to confront the question with some quiet reflection. So who are you? Let’s start with who we are not. We are not anyone else. God makes each and every one of us with different talents, skill sets, experiences, and most of the times looks. And even identical twins are never identical when it comes to personalities, desires, and life goals. So why are we all so different? That’s easy… would you want to live in a world with six billion Craig’s? One is enough thank you… even for me. In any organization, you have to have skilled personnel performing hundreds of different job functions in order to accomplish the corporate goals. If you look at us as God’s workers, then He needs people going different places, doing different jobs, equipped with different talents, to produce different functions, leading to different outcomes. No two people use the same exact skillset or assets to accomplish a job. And along the way we hopefully broaden our perspective, sharpen and increase our capabilities, while maturing as people. At least that’s the game plan. With all that happening, why do we always compare ourselves to others? How could any two people ever be on the same path at the same time, especially when you consider all the millions of variables at play in each of our lives? There’s just no way. So comparing ourselves to another is both useless and unproductive. And yet how many of us will see someone else that’s in better shape, has more money, or possesses more stuff and envy them? If we think we’re all that and a bag of potato chips, just because we are who God has blessed us to be, then you’ve missed something. We all have God-given blessings… the key is discover them, hone them, and then apply them to our lives and those around us. Read the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25-14:30). If God gives us a resource (read gift or talent as well), use it wisely, share it, and bless others with it, or we will soon find ourselves without it. So to answer the question, “Who do you think you are?” The answer is we are the person God designed us to be. It’s up to us to use that wonderfully engineered blueprint to stay on His path and become the temple tool that serves God and His children best. If youre not receiving the NewSong News eNewsletter, email Pastor Geoff Smith ([email protected]).
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:21:54 +0000

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