From: Newsletter - NumbersUSA com Date: 6/13/2014 2:27:23 PM To: - TopicsExpress


From: Newsletter - NumbersUSA com Date: 6/13/2014 2:27:23 PM To: henrymilesjr6@gmail Subject: Election shocker still leaves unanswered questions Majority Leader Cantors primary loss spells an uncertain future for immigration Donate Need Help? Twitter Facebook YouTube YES, keep sending me Weekly Newsletters NO, stop sending me Weekly Newsletters NumbersUSA Newsletter Week of June 13 This Issue: Majority Leader Cantors primary loss spells an uncertain future for immigration Much of this weeks national news coverage focused on the effects of supporting and promising amnesty. An earthquake disrupted the political landscape on Tuesday evening when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) lost his Republican primary to little-known challenger Dave Brat. Immigration was the key issue in what numerous national commentators indicated was one of the biggest political upsets in congressional history. As a result, nearly all news stories Wednesday morning declared Cantors loss to be the death knoll for any amnesty legislation during the remaining 6 months of this Congress. While Cantors loss continues to send aftershocks through the Republican Party, the amnesty threat still looms large. Just one day after Cantors defeat, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) threw his support behind the Grover Norquist-led Partnership for a New American Economy push for comprehensive immigration reform. By doing so, Sen. Paul, an oft-discussed possible 2016 GOP Presidential contender, has made it clear he stands with Big Business and Open Borders advocates at the expense of American workers when it comes to immigration policy. Meanwhile Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) announced that the vote to replace Congressman Cantor as House Majority Leader will occur on June 19th. While Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is likely to ascend as Cantors replacement, the rush to hold the vote raises some concerns as to how that would affect immigration legislation. McCarthys views on the issue are nearly identical to Cantors, suggesting no real change in the position of House Leadership when it comes to possible support for amnesty. All this unfolded against the backdrop of the crisis along the southern border where tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors from Central America continue to illegally enter the United States in hopes of receiving DACA or some other form of kids amnesty. As Border Patrol and ICE agents struggle to process and accommodate this unprecedented surge of illegal immigration, they are reporting (and have been quoted in mainstream news sources such as the New York Times) that many of the minors apprehended crossing the border illegally have said they are trying to get in to the U.S. before time runs out to qualify for amnesty. This crisis is a sad and dangerous illustration of how promises of future amnesties simply encourage more would-be illegal aliens to put their lives at risk to come here illegally in hopes of receiving amnesty. Whether they intended it or not, President Obama and Members of Congress who have been championing amnesty bear some responsibility for this crisis and the fate of these minors. The question now is will the national response simply be one of accommodation or will anyone stand up and address the magnet that is pulling them here. Perhaps the growing number of high profile examples of how promising rewards for illegal immigration can have serious unintended consequences (maybe intended in some cases) are already causing would-be amnesty supporters to re-think their positions. Just today, we got word that a New Jersey Assemblyman who sponsored controversial legislation granting drivers licenses to illegal aliens pulled his bill. Congrats to all of you in New Jersey who have worked so hard to oppose this effort the past several months. Whether or not these events indicate a sea change in the focus of immigration policies from the corporate-driven vision of the top echelon of the Republican Party to that of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform that recommended that the needs of American workers and taxpayers be the priority of immigration policy remains to be seen. But you can play a role in which direction we head. Please continue to respond to our Action Alerts even during these quiet summer months as your activism now will help set the stage for what we face in the Fall. anne manetas Fri, June 13th Action Weve posted several new faxes this week, including one to GOP Members of Congress alerting them of Dave Brats winning message and to your three Members of Congress regarding the growing crisis on the border. View Action Board Features Immigration was one of the deciding factors in Tuesdays primary upset in Virginia. With close to half of the nations primaries still to come, check our Candidate Comparisons to see how candidates rate on immigration positions. Account Do you make purchases on Amazon? By making your purchases on, Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to NumbersUSA at no extra cost to you. Just visit and chose NumbersUSA Education & Research Foundation as your charity of choice! Language Matters THEY SAY: Border security first THEY WANT: Amnesty & more illegal immigration We have come to understand that most people who emphasize the phrase Border security first are much more interested in what comes after first than in border security. They tend to be using border security as a selling point to get out of the way so they can more easily issue an amnesty to as many illegal aliens as possible. It is important to teach our allies to never use the phrase border security first and to label those who continue to use the phrase as being the supporters of amnesty and illegal immigration that they surely are. The Texas Immigration Floor Fight - A Win for All Americans Late afternoon on Saturday, June 7, 2014, a message resonated loudly at the Republican Party of Texas 2014 Convention, a message to all Texas elected officials and to the Inside the Beltway DC political elite: Place Americans first. Secure our borders. Uphold current U.S. laws. Read about the defeat of the anti-American worker Texas Solution. Read Full Story Maria Espinoza Fri, June 13th Pollsters Trick Press Mickey Kaus isnt a fan of Politicos coverage of immigration polls. When Politico ran the story Poll: Immigration didnt doom Cantor,the Dave Brat booster stay-paranoid-my-friends amnesty watch dog had this twitter exchange with Politicos Seung Min Kim. Read Full Story jeremy beck thu, June 12th wed, June 11th Read Full Story Media Cite Amnesty Views in Cantors Loss, Declare Immigration Reform Dead for Year The media are abuzz with analysis over Prof. Dave Brats win over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginias 7th District Republican primary. Many are concluding that his pro-amnesty views were a major factor, given that Prof. Brat emphasized them at every turn, and that Republicans are not likely to want to take up immigration reform this year after seeing voters reprimand a leading amnesty advocate. Below are excerpts from some of the media reports. thu, June 12th Read Full Story Maine Governor Aligns State Policy With Federal Ban on Aid to Illegal Aliens The Administration of Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) will implement plans to eliminate state support for illegal aliens who apply for or receive General Assistance benefits. Although the plan is consistent with a federal ban on aid to illegal aliens, Maine Attorney General Janet Mills (D) said the move may be unconstitutional. tue, June 10th Read Full Story Big Biz: US needs more less-skilled workers Eleven CEOs from some the nations largest companies have signed on to a new letter to Congress urging passage of immigration reform that includes massive increases in low-skilled foreign workers. Copyright © 2014 NumbersUSA. 1601 N Kent St, Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209. All Rights Reserved. Subscription Preferences To unsubscribe from ALL e-mail, reply with the word “Unsubscribe”
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:15:05 +0000

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