From October 2011, and for about a year, I stopped eating red - TopicsExpress


From October 2011, and for about a year, I stopped eating red meat. I only ate chicken, turkey, and all seafood. Along with vegetables, fruits and nuts. The reason was that I was diagnosed with a stomach problem, and the doctors prescribed a bunch of meds. I thought to myself that something must be causing these problems. I read a book about eating, which basically said that that we were never, as humans, made to eat meat. And that it was the discovery of fire that made that possible. And that our stomachs still have not fully adapted to process meat, and thats why we get so much indigestion from eating it, while we digest vegetables and fruits so quickly. Another point the book made was that when we actually meet the animals we finally eat, face to face, we never (unless there is something psychologically wrong with us) have the primal impulse to attack, kill them and eat them. I found that to be true. I stayed off red meat for about a year. At which point my training, since childhood, to eat red meat, and the marketing of it by the food industry (juicy burgers, smoking steaks, crispy lamb chops, with never an animal in sight), kicked in. In that one without red meat year my stomach was perfect. No pain, nothing. Plus I felt better overall, and my health was perfect, not even a cold. After I started eating meat again, the problems came back. And today I face the same, and worse, stomach issues: Acid reflux / GERD every other night, and I really need to go have my stomach checked again. About a month ago, along with Alex Maria Minska (actually, she has given up on all meat except for seafood), I decided to give up on red meat again. For two reasons. One is my health. I know that if I give up the meat, my stomach will be fine again. Its tried and tested. The second one, however, is ethical and philosophical. I can no longer be a part of what is happening in the meat industry today. Animals, which have souls, are being used as things, grown, mistreated, living miserable lives, and then slaughtered to become food. I would not have a problem if the animals lived happy, healthy lives, and then, at the end of their natural lives, humanly, their were put down. But the way we treat animals today, as products, disgusts me. I am about an inch close to giving up on chicken as well, and I am sure that I will. And I will be posting some PETA videos from now on, to help raise awareness regarding this issue. About a month ago, Alex and I saved two kittens from death. I believe that when you save a life you become responsible for it, so we have now adopted them. They are lovable, cute and fun. I am sure that anyone that has ever had or has a pet (like a cat, a dog, a rabbit, a horse), never had the urge to slaughter and eat it. The feelings we have as humans towards animals are kind. We love our pets. Yet we allow other animals, who too have a soul and feelings, to be mistreated, live miserable lives, and then be slaughtered, for us to eat them. Although there is absolutely no reason for us to do so. Millions of people around the world live happy, healthy lives as vegetarians or vegans. Why not us? Why not me? Why not you? I think its time we face our food. Heres a video I saw today on the news. In Greece, every Easter, we slaughter millions of these little creatures, then skewer them, and cook them on the spit. I could never kill this creature. So, from now on, I refuse to pay the hand that does. Thanks for listening, please share if you agree. And thats that.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:44:56 +0000

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