From “PC” Hello Family, My grandfather use to say - TopicsExpress


From “PC” Hello Family, My grandfather use to say “dark is the night and bitter cold”: And believe you me, it was a cold day today. But, a few of the saints pulled through and we still had church. So for those of you who did not make it out today, let me share some of the services with you. Our kids choir, warmed our hearts with “I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me.” And I can still hear DKM harmonizing: God is s wonder to my soul. My God truth has set me free. Came into my life one day, and took all my sins away. Now, I can live abundantly (and the church said yeaah!). The message for the morning was taken from John 3: 1-15- we eavesdropped on conversation with Jesus and Nicodemus, subtitled “Nick at Night”. Here are a few key points: We discovered that 70% of Americans claim to be born again! So, therefore all this hell and confusion is being executed by the other 30% (I don’t think so, cause everybody talking about heaven ain’t going). But if 70% say they are “born again”, then all I can say is I hope they are right. So many people got this thing mixed up, they are seeking reformation, you know - “turning over a new leaf” or “getting a new lease on life”, just like those mind games we play every January 1. But rather you need to be seeking regeneration (being born again). Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, not because he was scared to be seen in the day with him, but my belief is because they both were busy people, and he (Nick) needed some serious uninterrupted time with Jesus. The same holds true for you and for me. So you need to free up your schedule and make more time for Jesus. Even though Nicodemus was a rich man, a respectable man, and a religious man, we concluded that no matter what you have, what you do or who you are, you are still a sinner in need of a Savior. That is why Jesus says, “You must be born again!” It is not an option! Don’t settle for a maybe so, hope so or think so, but rather receive Jesus in our life today and know so! What the world needs, what you need, and what I need is regeneration! You see, if you have been born only once, then brothers and sisters you are going to die twice! But, if you have been born twice, you will never die, because death has been swallowed up in life. We know there is a physical and spiritual birth. Just like in a baby’s physical birth it gives the infant a brand new start – for you see no baby is born with a past! They have no past, only a future! So it is with the new birth. When you get saved, you get a brand new start. Your past is wiped away and brand new (amen somebody). What must the lost, hell bound sinner do to be saved? The answer is right in verse 15. It does not take a whole lot or all day, it is a one word answer:believe! So if you received Jesus in your heart today, we say happy birthday to ya. Well stay warm and safe yall, until we meet again.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:22:03 +0000

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