From Rabbi Stern: Ari Shavit is probably one of the most - TopicsExpress


From Rabbi Stern: Ari Shavit is probably one of the most insightful observers and commentators about circumstances in Israel. He is able to speak to the right and left and tell each side the cold hard truths they need to hear. He is an eloquent, committed Zionist. In the piece referenced here, he speaks about the harsh realities of the neighborhood in which Israel finds itself and the responsibility of those who cherish human rights and religious freedom to speak out broadly against the forces that undermine those rights. At the same time, he challenges the left, accustomed to championing the causes of the oppressed throughout the world, to recognize that solely condemning Israel for its actions represents, at best, a tremendous failure of perspective and at worst an acquiescence to some of the worst intentional abuses of human rights that are perpetrated by the forces of intolerance intrinsic to those nations that surround her. What is compelling to me in Shavit’s challenge is that he provides us with a context to speak to those on the left who find fault with Israel’s conduct. He shows us that he is not afraid to acknowledge that Israel has, at times, overstepped its own principles of human rights (which are as high or higher than any Western Nation). And he reminds us, of course, that when Israel does overstep, voices in Israel, both official and public speak out loudly to challenge the conduct. This is a powerful reminder of Israel’s vociferously democratic society and an indictment of the failures of the states that surround Israel. When the left (including the Zionist left) limits its criticism to Israel and fails to condemn Israel’s neighbors in the public arena it is more than just a public relations dilemma, thousands of lives are sacrificed and countless human freedoms are violated. You can read the article by clicking on the link below. And please save the date: October 26, 2014 at 2:30 p.m., we are welcoming Ari Shavit to our 7th annual AIPAC at Wise. Shavit will give the keynote address An Insider’s Perspective on the Rapidly Changing Middle East. (
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:15:24 +0000

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