From Scott Davis ... Obama: This is not Amnesty. Well if youre - TopicsExpress


From Scott Davis ... Obama: This is not Amnesty. Well if youre declaring - by Executive Order - that illegal immigrants can no longer be deported or prosecuted, thats Amnesty! Youre allowing millions to be immune from the consequences of entering and living in his country without permission! There is a naturalization process, afforded by law for over a century, and these people chose not to honor our good will. Would their native countries grant us Amnesty, give us preferential treatment over actual citizens, and allocate free benefits to trespassing foreigners at taxpayer expense? And were the racists? Without our laws, sovereignty, and internationally recognized borders, we are no longer a nation; we are a convenient doormat left to rot beneath the insatiable scorn of anti-American transients, radicals, and usurpers. For those countless legal immigrants who actually respected America and the innate opportunity she represents, they did not need a government declaration to pardon any conceivable contempt for our laws. Those individuals merely sought to declare their undying gratitude through the legitimacy of their actions. If youre going to sellout the American people, our Constitutional republic, solely to fulfill your race victimization agenda and stuff the ballot box with an inexhaustible foreign demographic, at least have the dignity, Mr. President, to admit it to our face. Your Executive Order is not a memo, its not a humanitarian mandate, its a deliberate attempt to subvert our sovereignty and pander to a hostile sentiment that supports your criminal quest to redistribute Americas wealth, independence, and founding values.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:53:21 +0000

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