From a Word Master: Kimberly Ryan Good Morning and Happy - TopicsExpress


From a Word Master: Kimberly Ryan Good Morning and Happy Monday! I’ve been thinking a lot about being an auto-responder. I have taught on and spoken of this many times. It must be because I’m reminded of this most everywhere I go and in most casual and social settings. The socialization of our culture has modeled the automatic responses so that they are ingrained in our brains. The answers to the conversational question like, “How are you?” are automatically responded to with, “Fine”, “Great”, “Ok” and so on. We ask the question because it is the polite and culturally socialized thing to do and say. The problem is that we don’t listen to the answer because we are preparing for the next question. In other words, we have already moved on. We have not engaged; we’re just going through the motions. Although this is common with passersby, I’m constantly challenged to make a concerted effort to dial in and pay attention. Not just to these trivial greetings, but to the other stuff. The important things. I’m faced with a choice every day and frankly, all day, to operate in a default mode or in a deliberate mode. If what I desire is to have more meaningful relationships, to develop connections to people, to live with a specific purpose, then I have no choice but to engage in deliberation and further, I must eliminate default mode as my modus operandi. By now you know how much I love words. Default, by definition, means failure to act. Deliberate is to think carefully and intentionally; to weigh in the mind. Take a moment and think about these two definitions. Failure to act vs. purposeful action. If you look at your business are you failing to act or are you carefully, intentionally weighing your options? There’s one guarantee…if you fail to act, you simply fail. It is the guarantee of complete, utter and hopeless failure. If you act in deliberation, then you at least have a chance. Failing over and over because of your thinking and acting is clearly just a trial and error method toward progress. That’s simply scientific! Today, I encourage you to get off the mark. Move from default to deliberate. Be intentional about determining your present and your future. Learn from your past long enough to know which direction you should be heading. Dump default and decide on deliberate. Make every day count~and have a happy week!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 00:35:02 +0000

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