From a member: Just wanted to say thank you for this page. I just - TopicsExpress


From a member: Just wanted to say thank you for this page. I just found it last night and I found myself reading through so much more of it than I usually ever do. I have been dealing with PTSD for a few years now, late onset, started around 2009 from my two tours. PTSD ruined my marriage and almost took my life less than two months ago. I find myself identifying with most of the posts on this page...Im a big tough guy who doesnt shed a tear for anything and I caught myself tearing up more than once to stories on here, they were good tears though, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders just because I know that there are people out there who think the same things I do everyday, who cant sleep without sleeping meds for the same reason I do, who probably arent the best family members they could be and I think I can see myself using this group a lot. I finally sent my claim in to the VA last year for PTSD and was starting to lose hope in that too, you hear so many horror stories about 2-5 year waits with them. I got my letters for the compensation benefits exam yesterday! Now I am finally getting somewhere! Ive been seeing a private psych and therapist for about 8 months and it has helped some...but neither of them have had any real experience with combat PTSD so it takes a lot of work on my end to make sure I come forward to them with my issues because they dont seem to know all the questions to ask someone like me so I am really hoping that the VA dr.s will have more insight for me. Now I know that this resource is here too and for me, its easier to type out what Im dealing with than it is to talk about it. I tend to shut down when I have to talk about why I cant go to public places or be in crowds or why I know that on my way to work that there are 24 trash cans out on the curb between my house and my work. I tried explaining this stuff to my ex wife but I just couldnt find the words to really explain it to her. She did try but in the end the person I was becoming was just too much for her to deal with. She and I are still close and she was the one by my side everyday when I was in the hospital after my suicide attempt. She is still there for me and trying to be my support system through all of this but she has her own life now too so I dont always tell her everything thats going on with me, just when I start to feel overwhelmed and need to talk to someone. Other than that it feels like I am all alone in this fight with PTSD. That is a scary thought because I dont know how to deal with my demons yet, I am on the road to figuring it out though. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for what you guys do!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:02:23 +0000

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