From my friend, Tabitha Korol. Excellent letter that is bound to - TopicsExpress


From my friend, Tabitha Korol. Excellent letter that is bound to create some waves ! Professor Cary Karacas Building 2N, Room 230 College of Staten Island 2800 Victory Boulevard Staten Island, NY 10314 Dear Professor Karacas: Your Cultural Geography course, Palestine and Israel, was brought to my attention. I have become familiar with several Common Core textbooks that are espousing the Islamic supercessionist position, and find the misinformation, lies, whitewashing, and deceit egregious – both in the books and in your classroom. Teaching that Jews are terrorists and colonialists and the Arabs victims of aggression is pure propaganda and indoctrination, not education. The students have paid a great deal of money and time for their education; you are deceiving them and stealing from them. Judaism has its roots in the land since the Creation, shown by the Jewish calendar to be 5774 years ago – 3671 years before Christianity and about 4361 years before Islam. Israel became a kingdom with Jerusalem its capital and with an ancestral religion. They were the first people to reject idolatry, sacrifice and polytheism, and to introduce monotheism and moral codes (Commandments) with features of logic and order, ethics and the dignity of humankind. The “Promised Land” was deeded to the Jewish people in the Bible; the land is very specific, verifying that Israel is neither colonialist nor opportunistic. It is ludicrous to label Jews colonialists for demanding to keep their only Jewish state in the world, when Muslims are a majority in 49, and continuing to invade Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas for seizure. Further the Jews have been a continuous presence on the land, and a majority since the 1800s. Jerusalem is mentioned not once in the Qur’an, and 2834 times in the Bible, and Muhammad’s “ascent to heaven” was added to counterfeit the Arab cause for world domination. The Palestinians invented themselves in 1967, as a ploy because they lost the war they started. Britain and the League of nations created the Palestine Mandate as the Jewish national homeland, 80% of which was given to the rioting, violent Arabs. Another 22% was ceded later, to form what they now call the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian state was established in 1922, and it was called Transjordan. The Jews are (recognized) the indigenous people of the area, and reinforced by Article 80 of the UN Charter. I ask that you teach the class fairly and competently, and discontinue the vile, false accusations you have leveled at the Jewish people. The Jews built and thrived and created a rich culture. Syrian Alawi’s notable letter in 1936 said, “Those good Jews brought…prosperity over Palestine without damage to anyone or taking anything by force.” What have the Palestinians brought to Western civilization besides terrorism and carnage? Using the term “occupied” for the Jews, when they won the land during Israel’s defensive wars of 1948 and 1967, but not for all the countries that were once non-Islamic, but the jihadists occupied and conquered, is immoral. The entire Middle East was once non-Islamic Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Pharoahic, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, etc., until the Arab conquest usurped nearly the entire continent. In all fairness, those lands were invaded, occupied, conquered and changed by Muslims, and now we see the same events occurring in Europe –Sweden, England, and in Dearborn, Michigan, with major changes evident in Germany, Spain, Belgium, Norway, and in the Americas. Will you also teach that the Muslims should return all the land they won over 1400 years of expansionism? By copy of this letter, I am making my grievances known to the College. Tabitha Korol
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 05:58:07 +0000

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