From one of our Onion Shippers Onion Market and - TopicsExpress


From one of our Onion Shippers Onion Market and Availability: The fresh onion market continues to push upward as supplies continue to dwindle in the Northwest, and there is still no new crop supply available from any other region. This is the first season since 2009/2010 that there were virtually no onion shipments into the US from Mexico during the month of February. The crop in Mexico is behind, and another round of cool, moist weather has hit that region over the past couple of days and pushed the volume back yet again, the limited supplies that are being harvested there are being utilized domestically in Mexico. Supplies out of the Northwest are rapidly falling into fewer and fewer hands as many shippers in ID/OR/WA are finished, and many more will follow suit in the next 14 days.. Supplies will remain tight out of the Northwest for the remainder of this season. EXPECT COLOSSAL AND SUPER COLOSSAL SUPPLIES TO BECOME INCREASINGLY SHORT IN THE COMING WEEKS!! Storage Onion Quality: Given all of the factors that have surrounded the storage onion crop this year, we still have some good onions left to ship out of the Northwest. For the next 6 to 7 weeks expect to see some minor translucency in some of the outer layers, and the gradual yellowing of the centers in some onions. As growers, we understand that this condition is inevitable, and are implementing all controls possible to help mitigate or slow this process, but we need your help as well at the supplier and consumer level to understand that this is a natural process. Maintaining consistent temperatures through the storage, packing, and shipping process is a key component in maximizing the shelf life and usability of the product. Late season storage onions should be stored in a 36 to 45 degree environment with as much airflow as possible. We understand that quality is a key component to developing and maintaining customer loyalty, and communication is critical during times such as these so that all understand what to expect moving forward. Early Summer Onion Quality: As we start the transition process from storage to summer onions expect to see little outer husk on the new crop onions from MX, TX, and California. Shelf Life on the early stuff (April – May 15) will be diminished as the onions will be coming out of the field hot, with little no curing time prior to shipping so please adjust your days on hand to reflect 7 to 10 days not 14 to 21. Outer husk and Shelf life will gradually improve as we enter the last part of May and begin running in California and New Mexico as the onions in those areas will be afforded more curing time, and we can utilize our drying facilities to allow them to put some outer husk and get to a consistent temperature prior to packing and shipping. Overall I anticipate a good quality summer onion crop across the shipping regions. My biggest concern is big onion supply, Colossal, and Super Colossal onions may well be in very short supply throughout the summer due to a variety of growing conditions, and water related issues that have been prevalent throughout the growing season in those areas.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:49:45 +0000

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