From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the - TopicsExpress


From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for individuals to advance. The 11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational portal opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the Earth at this time. The 2014 Light frequencies are enabling this 11:11 Gateway to open for you to step into your new Crystalline Light Body. Stepping through this cosmic gateway allows you to move into your original blueprint, that of the Crystalline Light Body, in oneness with All That Is. We will offer suggestions and visualizations so your imagination can help you to create a beautiful scenario to empower this Light-filled ritual. You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in the evolution of consciousness, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the gateway to hold you in strength and courage. Those who are attracted to this time of Grace, can avail themselves of the opportunity to soar, greatly empowered by the Angelic Realms. This conscious dedicated action that is in harmony with Divine Light will accelerate the evolution of consciousness within your own life and on the planet now. Since digital clocks have come into widespread usage, the image of 11:11 has become more familiar. The representation behind the symbol is less widely known. 11 has long been the number of the Angelic Realms offering assistance to those on the Earth. When the 11s are seen together, the 11:11 becomes a gateway symbolizing an opening between Heaven and Earth. read more ...
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 02:09:52 +0000

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