From the time I went through surgery I dreamed very often. These - TopicsExpress


From the time I went through surgery I dreamed very often. These were some of my dreams. In my first dream I was driving a candy apple red Escalade and was hit from behind. After noticing nothing wrong with my body I got out of my car and found no dents or scratches upon it. But as I looked behind me the driver that hit me from behind was still in their car, which was smashed, and cops were trying to pull them out. Then I dropped down to my knees. In another dream I sat at a table in a furniture warehouse with one sister and one brother, the table was cherry wood. We sat there pretending we was eating, and all the sudden a snake appears out of nowhere, wrapping around my waste line and coming up to my head. When it reached my face I seen his eyes and heard my brother saying, do not be afraid. In another dream I was at a park with family on my mother side and church family all around me just having fun. Then all the sudden everyone just disappears one by one, until only my first pastor was left. He was sitting in his truck patting the seat and I said no thanks. As he drove off it started getting dark and I noticed people coming towards me including one the size of a baby. Then they pulled out sticks and knifes running towards me, and I fell to my knees. Then many locust flew over me and chased them away. In another dream I was in my bed looking for something, and when I couldnt find it on top of the bed I moved to the foot of the bed, looking under the bed. The first thing I seen was two glassy circles, then looked to the side and seen the body of a huge snake. As I looked back towards the circles they was coming at me in a fast motion. I fell from my bed, pulled the cover down with me, and caught the head of the snake in the cover. Then I looked to the side and watched the rest of the body come out from under the bed. Then woke up. When I had that dream my old pastor, doctor, and teachers was all telling me in real life, if I didnt rest my mind I would not survive. After all those dreams I moved to another state and dreamed again. But in this dream there was a river and you can hear the waters as it moved along the rocks. The water was so clear till you can see right through it, and the place was peaceful. After all the dreams I had I finally could feel my brain healing with no interruptions, and begun to understand the dreams. Be blessed!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 21:15:37 +0000

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