Fundamentally Selfish Christian fundamentalism does not contain - TopicsExpress


Fundamentally Selfish Christian fundamentalism does not contain the true selflessness embodied by the figure they revere above all else. At its heart is a firm certitude that they are right and have found THE truth. To maintain the appearance of their certainty, they will deny facts evidence, and virtually any piece of information that counters their claims to absolute truth. Actual knowledge and intelligence are not only shunned but mocked and ridiculed as the ‘folly of man’. Apologists work around the clock to defend the surety of Christian faith by twisting logic around their pretzel of sophistry and rhetoric as an army of straw men stand ready to present the weak minded with anecdotal evidence and confirmation bias. Worst of all, is how it degrades the one thing that has improved the well-being of humankind more than any other belief or myth from the past: science. Ignoring how they benefit from a world reborn with scientific advancements, they seek to rob their children and the children of others by taking science out of the classroom and replacing it with mythology. This fosters ignorance and scientific illiteracy among a huge portion of our population which leads to a misunderstanding of issues like global warming and allows them to be easily manipulated by religious and political hucksters who convince them to support a political agenda that exploits them and ensures the cycle of ignorance and poverty of many communities. Desperately, they cling to their faith as the world wastes away around them while they stubbornly refuse to ask themselves the question they so passionately ask everyone else: "What if I’m wrong?" Many of these individuals will trivialize the suffering of others to explain away contradictions that the simplest of logic unveils. You can find rationalizations for everything from slavery to genocide and even infanticide; all while they claim to hold a morally superior position. I know they think they are right, but their unwillingness to embrace the humility of any given scientific theory through falsifiability shows the true arrogance of their position and the intellectual selfishness that drives fundamentalist Christianity.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 02:23:41 +0000

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