Fundamentally Transforming America I love my country. It took - TopicsExpress


Fundamentally Transforming America I love my country. It took me many, many years to understand the difference between my country and my government. I was raised by staunch democrats with the tow the party line mentality. Seems strange to me, to make that statement and in the same sentence try to stress that they were patriotic and loved this country as much as I do, but it is true. I believe that in their minds as well, their country and their government were inextricably intertwined. When I finally came to understand that my country had nothing to do with my government and that I could love one while reviling the other and that it did not represent any hypocrisy on my part, it fundamentally transformed my life. Now when I look at my family, my friends and neighbors, I see my country. When I am driving through our little town, past wheat fields and creeks, I see my country. I see them in a way that my government can no longer impinge upon. And I do not want it fundamentally transformed. Especially by someone whose every action, whose every word testifies to the fact that he hates this country that I love. Dont get me wrong when I say that I dont want my country to change. Change is inevitable and to try to stop it is an exercise in futility. But I want the change that occurs to be constructive not destructive. I want progress to mean that we are changing for the better. That this nation that has led the world in innovation, exploration & discovery, in personal liberty and self determination, in compassion and help of others around the world, that this nation, my country, The United States of America will continue to be the beacon that other nations and peoples can look to. That I can look at my country, at my fellow citizens and know we have striven, by the sweat of our brow and have not failed to secure the freedom so many have died for. We have not failed each other and we have not failed the world. We have stood strong and not yielded to those that would destroy us. I must believe that when I am walking down my little main street of America I can be proud of what we have accomplished as a nation. That when I look into my grandchildrens eyes, I dont not have to feel ashamed of the the country I will be leaving to them. That they will not have to fear the very people they should be to depend on, their government, not for the cash in their pockets, the bread they eat or the roof over their heads, but for the protection of their rights. Their right to carve out those things for themselves with nothing to stop them except themselves. With no one to deny them the chance to accomplish their goals except their own strength of will and determination. I do not want to think of the future they will face in this country because I have sat idly by and let a corrupt government destroy something I loved, something they will never have the chance to know, a country they can be proud of. As a nation, the American people have always endeavored to rise to every challenge they faced with strength and courage and a desire to leave the world better than they found it. To be an American meant you were the master of your own destiny, you made your own choices and had to be strong enough to to deal with the consequences of choosing unwisely. No matter the circumstance, no matter the hardship Americans faced, they rose each day and worked hard to create a home and provide for their families. The words We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That is their dream, their expectation and all that Americans have ever asked is to be given the chance to achieve it without hindrance from an over reaching, intrusive government. But, here we are. We have a commander in chief that will stop at nothing to fundamentally transform my country into something I no longer recognize. A country whose citizens fear their own government. A country thats highest goal seems to be the creation of the worlds largest welfare state. A government that is working full force to create a generation of whiney, ignorant, victims that will beg for the government to take care of them and will willing surrender the most precious and hard won right, the right of self determination. The right to choose and do for yourself with none to gainsay your choices. We have allowed our country to become a country that no longer stands for anything. A nation of cowards who are willing to take a back seat to some of the worlds most heinous, criminal leaders. A government that bows down to every tin pot dictator and hatefilled terrorist on the planet. A group of elected servants that turns on its own citizens, terrorizing them into submission, repudiating their demands and profiting from the misery it inflicts on its citizens while giving succor and aid to the enemies that have sworn to destroy us. We have willingly voted in an entire government body that supports and promotes the destruction of the country that has afforded them the opportunities and privileges they enjoy. A government actively engaged in treason against the citizens they are sworn to protect. A government that believes we are too stupid and irrelevant to see through the lies they spoon feed us in order to justify their greed and the arrogant belief that their position gives them the right to decide fate of people around the world with impunity regardless of the outcome of their decisions. A government that steals their property, unjustly imprisons them, and burdens them unjust laws with no avenue to redress their grievances. A government that is working to destroy everything that has been accomplished in this country for over two hundred years in order to fundamentally transform America by subjugating the people ruthlessly, even violently when necessary, turning America into a nation of docile, submissive slaves of the state, without a voice, lacking the backbone to throw off the chains they forged for themselves when they allowed someone else to decide their fate. What happened to us? When did we decide that is was a good idea to sit down, grab a beer, turn on a football game and let someone else take of things? When did we abdicate our right to govern our own lives? How could we willingly turn a blind eye to the grasping, supercilious men and women that make up our government instead of holding them accountable for their excesses? When did we begin to believe it didnt matter if we stood by our beliefs because they are too powerful and we were too weak to stop their abuses? What made us believe that by not striving diligently to safeguard the liberties entrusted to us, our rights would not be trampled and our enemies, foreign and domestic, would not attempt to enslave us? Freedom is not laying around waiting for someone to trip over it, it comes at a price and it costs dearly and that price is never paid in full. It is paid for daily with great sacrifice. It must be guarded from those that who would subvert it for their own gain. The American people must stand against tyranny, we must rise and join with those that have fought and sacrificed to ensure that we still have the liberty to stand up for our rights or our country is lost. The founders of this nation believed that Americans might one day find it necessary to defend themselves from a government that willfully and systematically strips its citizens of their freedom. To secure ourselves against the egregious efforts of a totalitarian government exercising dictatorial control over the lives of its citizens. They left us the tools we would need to stand against anyone who would try to subjugate us. The freedom to speak our minds. The right to defend our homes and our persons. The right to assemble and the right to petition the government. To be free from illegal search and seizure of our property and ourselves, without fear of persecution by our government. The right to secure a free state. Freedom, liberty.... self determination, our forefathers envisioned a future based on those principles while shedding their own blood to secure it for their descendants, for future Americans, for you and for me. ~ DeAnna Johnson
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:13:27 +0000

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