Funny story that I have to share. Last Thanksgiving, Mike - TopicsExpress


Funny story that I have to share. Last Thanksgiving, Mike decided to deep fry our Thanksgiving turkey. Those of you who know Mikey really well, know he loved to cook and do man things. So this deep frying was so exciting to him. He injected the bird with who knows what and proceeded to prepare the bird, the big pot of oil and burner in the drive way. He decided the wooden deck out back may not be a wise choice, so he set up everything in the driveway. With his coat and hat on, and of course cigar and cocktail in hand, he began the cooking of our Thanksgiving dinner. Many neighbors drove by and stopped to wish Mikey a Happy Thanksgiving and comment on his bird cooking adventure. He was having the time of his life. Cigar, fire, food, family, friends and a cocktail in hand. Those were his favorite things. Then it happened. Mike came inside with the Thanksgiving bird on a beautiful platter and said... Annette, I think I miscalculated the cooking time. I looked at him and our Thanksgiving dinner and just laughed. Our Thanksgiving turkey was cooked to the point that it was like burnt wood. I tried to cut the breast to see if there was anything we could possibly salvage from this 20 pound Thanksgiving bird and the legs and wings just crumbled onto the plate. It was cooked to a crisp. So over cooked that there was not even a morsel of turkey for our dogs. Mike felt so bad. Thank goodness we also had a ham and all the other fixings. Such a funny and good memory of our last Thanksgiving dinner. Remember everyone to cherish this day and all days with you have with your family and friends, because it could be the last one you have on this earth. I love you Mikey and know you are with me today and always.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 13:28:23 +0000

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