Funny thing is I ran into Susana Martinez yesterday the Governor - TopicsExpress


Funny thing is I ran into Susana Martinez yesterday the Governor of New Mexico, at TJ Max of all places. We even parked right next to her black Suv. My mom and I walked in and we noticed a man dressed all in black very tall standing there talking on his cell phone, and we didnt pay any attention to him we just kept on walking and we walked around the store I was going to the ladies room and I passed Susana Martinez!!!. I looked at her, and I looked at her again and I said to myself thats Governor Susana Martinez Mart! & I walk into the ladies room& I told my mom I go I just passed Susana Martinez outside in the aisleand she goes youre kidding? I said no, so we walked back out but we couldnt find her and I looked but she was out shopping somewhere and the bodyguard was still standing by the door talking on the phone and I said some body guard, hell but the funny thing is, that BILL Richardson used to travel with like 10 to 14 bodyguards. Susanna had ONE. THATS the difference between a Republican and a freaking stinking Democrat. A Republican doesnt need to have 50 bodyguards, only a CORRUPT Democrat does! Anyway it was kind of neat seeing the governor in person, she looks great! She looks even better in person than she does on the TV!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:36:03 +0000

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