Fwd: Newtons First Law of Obesity What do all people who get - TopicsExpress


Fwd: Newtons First Law of Obesity What do all people who get ahead in life, who succeed at great challenges, who achieve great things, have in common? They all got started! And once they got started they "stayed the course" through the tough times, having faith that a better time and place was in their future, and not too far to reach for. No professional athlete ever got great by occasionally training. No talented surgeon became great by entering an Operating Room now and then. Amazing parenting requires daily commitment. Amazing ANYTHING requires daily commitment. Greatness requires showing up, day after day. We have received Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) as a tool. That tool shows up every day. Do we? Do we show up to use that tool every day? Paraphrasing Newtons First Law, "Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest." How does this apply to us? "Objects" (us!) sprawled across the sofa eating chips and believing they cant succeed tend to stay on the sofa eating chips not succeeding! "Objects" (us again!) eating healthy foods and exercising tend to remain eating healthy foods and exercising. We have all lived the experience of having Newtons Law work against us, which is how we qualified for WLS. How can you make Newtons Law work for you? What are you willing to do today, tomorrow and the next day to make Newtons Law work for you? I met today with a Life Coaching client who for medical reasons beyond her control cannot qualify for WLS so doesnt benefit from the tool we have all been granted. But she shows up every day for herself, walking briskly for an hour and eating primarily vegetables, fruit and lean sources of protein. Without our tool, she shows up! With our tool, how can you better show up in your own life? Its not hard to do and you can do it! Start small, so the change is sustainable, but make it consistent. Small changes add up to something valuable if repeated often enough. So what will you do? Will you take a 20 minute walk daily with your heart healthily pounding during your lunch hour? Will you ride your bike for 20 minutes up a 500 foot hill daily and then coast home? Will you briskly swim laps daily for 20 minutes at your local pool? Will you follow-up these activities with lean, healthy dinners? What I and my coaching clients have learned is that if we create daily programs for healthy living they are only hard to maintain for a few weeks and then we reap huge benefits in health, mobility and pride. Then the changes become the "New Normal." Consider....what would you like your new normal to be? Are you willing to be uncomfortable for a few weeks to achieve it? If you are, I know the "New Normal" healthier you is within your reach and I know how to get there!! ift.tt/eA8V8J from weigh loss ift.tt/1uXG4xt from Blogger ift.tt/Y4t6Bx
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 04:57:38 +0000

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