GARMENT OF PRAISE I have had Isaiah 61:3 on my heart, - TopicsExpress


GARMENT OF PRAISE I have had Isaiah 61:3 on my heart, especially the latter part He will give them... a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I have been sensing a real heaviness over many of the people of God. I saw this heaviness had taken root in some lives, where they have been living with this heaviness day in and day out, and then for others, this heaviness attempting to take root and these ones declaring their authority and seeing it leave, but it continues to return trying to take root. This heaviness I saw was making many feel like the wind had been taken out of their sails. Like this heaviness comes ESPECIALLY at moments where there should be great joy, and it comes to steal life from them. Many have been feeling like their breath of life is constantly being taken out of them. I saw many losing joy and losing an excitement and expectation in life daily, and they have been held down. I know I have said this often, but again, I will say, this season is so crucial for the release that is happening, that despite the heaviness there must be a constant engaging with Him, ESPECIALLY through worship. Let your mouths and hearts be full of praise, even when you dont feel like it and your heart is heavy.. PRAISE HIM! I felt many need to hear that there is hope. There is hope, because He is hope. There is always hope, no matter how steep the slope. I sensed to share with many that this heaviness is attempting to break you before the breakthrough. Not only is God breaking this heaviness through worship, He is doing some amazingly wonderful knitting together right now, that all hell wants to keep you from. The despair and emptiness and heaviness will be shaken off as His presence falls as you engage with Him. This heaviness is trying to take many back to their past. Speaking to them that what happened in the past will happen again. That things are too good to be true and they cannot enjoy the moments, because things will be taken away. REBUKE these lies, and speak forth His promises and trust Him, and know that He is wooing you to engage with Him at a deeper level and as you do, these feelings of fear of returning to the past will diminish as you step into greater freedom, fulfillment, purpose, wholeness, peace, love and joy in Him. His name is JESUS, and HE is your answer. Everything you need is in HIM. I saw this heaviness specifically targeting many who have been called to the front line now to speak LIFE into people, situations and nations. As the Church, we are called to be people who speak life and show the world what TRUE LIFE is, but I saw those who have been given SPECIFIC arenas to speak and minister life in this season and who have begun to walk in tremendous increase, favour and open doors, have been hit hard with this heaviness. I saw many wondering how they could be battling such heaviness when they are stepping into their dreams, and destiny being fulfilled. Keep your eyes on Him and know that as you continue to look to Him you will not be broken before one of the greatest breakthroughs assigned to you. ANGELS ASSIGNED TO PROTECT YOU FROM BEHIND I saw many in fear of harm coming to them, of loss, of being stabbed in the back again, fear of rejection, abandonment and arrows from the enemy. I saw that this fear for many has become irrational and has become an intense struggle. I sensed the Lord saying that angels have been assigned to protect you from behind. As you continue to look FORWARD to HIM and not look BACK, you will continue to move forward in victory. He has your back! He has you covered as you continue to engage with Him. ENCOUNTERS THAT WILL ASTOUND RELEASING VISIONS THAT ARE PROFOUND Greater encounters with Him are happening more and more, and I saw encounters of His people with Him that are going to astound. There is a greater release of dreams and visions right now where God is bringing direction. Prophetic insight, wisdom and greater revelation is happening right now in dreams and visions. I saw the Lord doing a lot of work and releasing great increase to the people of God as they sleep. Keep paying attention to your dreams. For the Lord is encountering His people in their dreams and releasing visions that are profound and will astound. What the Lord is releasing in dreams could take YEARS to receive in the natural. There is an acceleration and increase happening in prophetic dreams right now. Dont let heaviness stop you! Keep moving forward and know it is simply coming against you to break you before one of the greatest breakthroughs you have ever stepped into. I also felt that the month of September is going to be significant for many in the body of Christ, where suddenlies will land in many lives. September will see MUCH spring forth in the body of Christ. September will be a month of understanding for many as they step into greater things than they have imagined, and will make sense why the opposition and heaviness has been so intense leading up to that month. September will be a springboard month. Live your life with JOY and expectation of GOOD things. He has your back. He is giving you a garment of praise. He is releasing MUCH through dreams and visions. The frontline is calling His people further forward. Dont let heaviness stop you. Take your place!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:21:00 +0000

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