GETTING ANSWERS TO PRAYERS (2) >>> SECRETS OF EFFECTIVE PRAYING TEXT: Isaiah 65:24 It has been a blessed series – The Secrets of Effective Praying. Today we continue in looking at how to provoke answers in response to prayers. (1) A HEART OF GRATITUDE (Phil. 4:6; Col. 4:2) Ungratefulness is sin and sin blocks prayers, while gratitude is the way to the heart of God. If you thank God for what He did in the past, you position yourself for Him to do even more and bigger things. And don’t just thank Him for the things He has done, thank Him for the ones He is yet to do. By this, you commit God to honour His word. (2) PRAY IN HIS WILL (1 John 5:14) And it does stop here; you must be determined to accept His will for your life. Anyone struggling with God’s will is not ready for answers to prayers. (3) ASK IN FAITH (James 1:5-6; Mark 11:24; John 11:40) It is never possible to receive what you do not believe. (4) CONFESS AND LIVE POSITIVELY (2 Kings 4:26) Some people express their desires to God in pray but confess a different thing. Where confessions betray expressions, there can be no possession. What you confess is what you possess and not what you prayed for. The Shunamite woman lost her son but never lost her faith. When she was asked if there was any problem, she replied by saying: ‘IT IS WELL’, and it ended well for her – her son lived! Even when what you pray for has not yet manifest, never confess negatively. (5) YOUR MOTIVE MUST BE CORRECT AND NOT SELF-CENTRED (James 4:3) Your motive for asking in prayers must be God-centred and not self-centred. God does not answer selfish prayers. I like the way Bible in Basic English (BBE) puts James 4:3; “You make your request but you do not get it, because your request has been wrongly made, desiring the thing only so that you may make use of it for your pleasure” When you ask God for things to show off, oppress others or live worldly, God would not hear. But when you have things that are good for you and eternal in nature, God is committed to answer. Beloved, God answers prayers when we pray effectively. Above are a few ways to be effective in prayers. God bless you. TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW >>>SPIRIT SWORD DAILY DEVOTIONAL – Wednesday, 16th April, 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 21:48:16 +0000

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