GHANAIAN PHILANTHROPY - HYPOCRICY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER : PART TWO We live in a hypocricy inundated society. The strong fashion out grand schemes to deprive society of its resources. They engage in illegal acquisition of wealth with impunity. Upon realising that posterity will soon arraign them before the court of natural justice, they come back all in the name of giving back to society what society gave them. Did society actually gave them what it is they have or they pulled a fast one on society? I lived through a period where hypocricy has become the order of the day. Our district assemblies take internally Generated Funds (IGF) from the communities and develop themselves instead of society. People put in positions of authority use their positions to deprive the underprivileged of that which belongs to them : disability fund, school capitation grants, pension benefits, subsidized agricultural implements, name it. In a matter of one or two years in office, the wild cat that lived in the hedges suddenly moves into an ultra modern edifice. They accumulate illegally what should be bread for all. Can you imagine that strong-bodied personel in charge of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) program put peanuts meant for the extremely poor in society into their own pockets? This they do without an iota of shame. When the dog eats the carcass and gets filled, it gets nauseous, vomits and pollutes the air. Innocent people in society become victims of respiratory diseases. Who will blame the crocodile for attacking a stubborn traveler who decides to trek on its path? Society sing the praise of these egg-suckers and make them idols of worship. They occupy front seats. Anyway, posterity will be the final judge.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:34:30 +0000

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