GIVE VALUE TO WHAT YOU DO-MAGNIFY YOUR OFFICE For I speak to you gentiles inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office (Roman 11:13) Did you know there’s no such thing as a low job? It’s the person behind a job that gives it authority, and in turn brings glory into it. Back in the bible, the Jews believed they were the chosen of God, and the rest of the world was unclean. Even the lord Jesus came in as a Jew and picked Jewish apostles to be with him. When He went to heaven, He sent them out as ministers, first to the Jews, then later to the Gentiles. In Acts 10:1-45, God sent the apostle Peter to the house of a Gentile, Cornelius the Roman centurion. He preached the gospel to him and his family and the Holy Ghost came on them. When the other apostles heard, they rebuked him sharply and forbade him from fellowshipping with the Gentiles (Acts 11: 1-3). God however raised another apostle by the name of Paul to preach to the Gentiles. Paul magnified his office and gave value to his God-given assignment even when no one else thought much of what he was doing. He said ,”I’m an apostle to the Gentiles and I magnify my office” (Roman 11: 13). He recognized those to whom he was sent and decided to respect and promote his office. He gave value to what he did. Don’t ever look down on what you do. God can use that seemingly little thing you do to touch your nation and the whole world. Remember, Jesus fed over five thousand people with a little boy’s lunch. He can do the same with your job. Make up your mind to become the best of you; work on the potentials within your spirit. There’s something inside you, a hidden treasure that’s unique to your personality. The most important thing is to find your place in life and be the best of you. Therefore, magnify your office; give value to what you do. NB: you may be a petrol attendant, domestic worker, till packer, waste remover or taking care of the old aged/disabled people, I say to you today God placed you there for a reason, just magnify that office, and be the best in what you do. Give value to your work! By: T.F.MAFUMEKWANE
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:02:05 +0000

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