GLORIOUS 2015 WISHES: Into the 1st Weekend of 2015: A Prophetic - TopicsExpress


GLORIOUS 2015 WISHES: Into the 1st Weekend of 2015: A Prophetic reminder to spare a prayerful thought for the Cross-Road state of our Nation. It is where the rubber meets the road; the chisel meets the stone & and the hammer meets the nail. It is a divine set-up for much more of God’s Grace to abound & for the Lord’s Glory to arise upon this Nation of Hope through the manifestation of the Sons of God (Rom.8:19). Beyond the sons of Issachar’s understanding of the times (1Chron.12:32), there is a Call for the Sons of God to bring forth, administer, dispense & execute the FULLNESS OF THE TIMES (Eph.1:10). From the dimension of the fullness of the times: Our hope for the healing of the wounds of South Africah will not yield shame. Our hope will rise to answer the travail of: WHAT ARE WE REALLY DEALING WITH IN THE NATION? Yes! We have heared about the wounded state of our Nation but what we are dealing with is not a static state of the wound: IT IS THE FESTERING OF THE WOUND…: presenting us with some critical Prayer pointers for the Church Kingdom as we begin the Calendar year 2015. •The seeming blindness of moving from one political blunder to another in Government •The seeming arrogance of corrupt indulgence after another in Government & society •The seeming insensitive slumber & searing of conscience towards the needs of the people •The seeming deliberate, senseless crushing & chiding of those serving honestly •The consuming, disrespectful & bitter reactionary anger in Opposition •The simmering manifestations of the old racial insecurities… THIS IS THE FESTERING OF THE WOUND! It is the degeneration & decaying whose SEEDS were sown in our joint bloody past of discrimination, lawlessness & self-hatred. If allowed, this festering of the wound will become the SEEDS for the next phase of our National discourse. This calls for more than healing; This calls for an Interceptive God-Sonship authority that cuts across the temper of the Age; Repentantly birthing a new Kingdom Expression of: REHABILITATIVE RECONCILLIATION REVOLUTION…! Jeremiah 8:22 travail beckons: “Is there no balm in Gilead (the hill /heap of witness & testimonies)?” The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy in the Church Kingdom. There is a Balm for the healing of the wounds of South Africah in the Repentant Church of God-Sons. The Church Kingdom in Repentant walk is the Gilead fulfilment in Christ, for the Healing & Comfort of our Nation & Nations of the World. Into 2015, the anointing is released for the Church Kingdom to arise with Creative Governmental Prayers to intercept & disallow every degenerative spirit that has spread/is spreading/intends spreading through the current Political clout & clamour. South Africah shall be saved…Instead of smoke, there shall an unprecedented move of the Holy Spirit. Instead of flying sparks, there shall be the weight of God’s Glory manifested in & through the Sons of God to cover our Nation. ARISE & BE PART OF THE HEALING REVOLUTION!!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:04:50 +0000

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