GMO vs HERBICIDES: I wont comment on the alleged nutritional - TopicsExpress


GMO vs HERBICIDES: I wont comment on the alleged nutritional defects in Montsantos GMO wheat. (although it technically is NOT GMO). BUT I want to say this. If all the energy put by people in protesting Monsanto, were directed into protesting all the really toxic herbicide chemicals being pumped into the environment, our water supply, foods and air we breath by the food production industry and by home and business owners to kill weeds, which incidentally also poison pets and wildlife and beneficial plants, and soak down into the well water and run off into streams and lakes used as public water supplies, the energy would be much better served. And one source of protest against Monsanto was the use of so called GMO corn or wheat which was more resistant to the herbicide Roundup, so more Roundup herbicide could be used. There was nothing reported as wrong with the grain, just the use of massive amounts of herbicide. So, the protest was misdirected. A second better use of protest energy (which has already resulted in removal of one poison, aluminum, from breads by some manufacturers), would be protesting all the chemicals, Transfats, artificial sweeteners and High Frucose syrups used in bread making, pizza and pie crusts and pastries, some of which already have been shown to be harmful to humans. Some of the chemicals have already been banned in Europe, but not in USA. Some breads in Europe and Asia still contain many chemicals. READ THE LABELS. I shop mostly at WalMart. There are a few bread products that do not use some of the bad ingredients, and a few that contain NO bad additives. It is probably the same in other markets. If you eat much bread and you are not picky, the breads you eat may be one health hazard source you overlook.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 23:58:32 +0000

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