GO UP…..YOU OLD BALD HEAD……………FIRE….IS GOOD! IT’S FROM GOD……(Part TWO) 12-2 Kings 12-2:23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. 1rst Corinthians 3: 11-16 IT’S ALL GONNA BURN……Job went through, Powerful Elisha went through, called BALD HEAD……Elijah went through his fear, after doing a GREAT MIRACLE on mount CARMEL. If you ACTUALLY think in this CURSED WORLD, of lack, famine, so much…….THAT YOU, I GONNA get our blessings by WAITING it out….THAT’S CARNAL……….WE GOT salvation FREE…on our way to heaven. GLAD WE WON’T burn in hell………THE REST COMES BY SEEKING FIRST HIS KINGDOM…..I’ll learn….i’ll learn……OR I’LL go to heaven, JUST me……….NO SOULS…….everything I said, done, BURNED up………….and I say, LORD WHY AM I STANDING here BUCK NAKED, ….and he hands me this PEWNY CROWN, with no JEWELS in it. …….and I’M HAPPY…I made it. BUT I SEE others with HUGE, GLEAMING, SHINY JEWEL ENCRUSTED CROWNS, MANSIONS, GENERAL title on their CROWNS….and I say, UH LORD…I’M GRATEFUL, but I want ONE OF THOSE….and that ETERNAL ASSIGNMENT….and HE laughs and says, UH…SON….those are people who were BUSY, WORKING………praying for masses, gathering, submitting, YOU my dear boy…………YOU WAS PRAYING , gimme, gimme, gimme……………YOU WANTED MORE PLEASURE………….This people went through the FIRE OF PAIN, SUFFERING, HEARTACHE, PERSECUTION………………………..NO ONE EVEN KNEW……...The way they PREACHED…..UPLIFTED MANY….The way YOU preached……………MY GOD…WHO WOLD WANT ME? But no….I SEE THE FUTURE……like EBENEZZER SCROOGE….OH PLEASE LORD…PLEASE….let that not be my future…….GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE…..TO REALLY, REALLY preach. AND THEN I WOKE up this MORNING….A BLESSED MONDAY……….AND I CAUGHT FIRE………….nothing but A MEASLEY OLE BALD HEADED, prophet, standing before you. I CAN’T GIVE YOU A MILLION DOLLARS ,make all your dreams come true. SOMETIMES I can’t encourage YOU, cause I’M BUSY encouraging MYSELF……..I’M like that LITTLE DRUMMER BOY before KING JESUS…………LORD….I HAVE NO GIFT TO BRING…but RUMP PA PUM PUM…….to lay before the KING, pa rump pa pump um……I PLAY MY DRUM (TRUMPET) for HIM, (And YOU) Pa rump pa pump um………………………HEY…….I GOT SOME RYTHMN HERE………Say AMEN…..LOL! IT’S JUST NOT ANOINTED TO GO THROUGH THE FIRE………HALLELUJAH. And HE says it in 1RST Corinthians 3: 16……………HEY…..LET ME REMIND YOU…….YOU ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD….AND HE DWELLS IN YOU. HIS GRACE to sustain us. HIS POWER to USE us. HIS GLORY to SHINE us up. HIS PRESENCE to keep us in lonely, dark, discouraged times………………………When I get to thinking too much about MYSELF…….GOD reminds ME.LIFE REMINDS ME…….LORD what is the FIRST thing I’M on this planet for? TO GLORIFY YOU. TO BE IN YOUR IMAGE. TO BUILD YOUR KINGDOM. TO HELP YOUR CREATION…………….And when I GO THROUGH fire…..Whether JOYFULLY, or KICKING, SCREAMING, COMPLAINING…………JESUS…….AINT persuaded, changed or thinking about it so much. HE KNOWS THE END………..Job had to go through FIRE…….before we truly even CARE to hear or see or behold HIS LIFE…………But ONCE GOD took him through the FIRE….HE CAME OUT better than before. WOW….CAUSE it started off saying, THERE WAS A PERFECT man………………..AND GOD said, YOU think he was perfect…………..BUT I SAW EXCESS, and satan needed to see MORE as well. SATAN saw………………..tried Job….and in the end….satan shook his head in defeat, and Job’s friend, SWITCHED and said, HE’S BLESSED. And HE had to pray for them…..and OH YEAH….the part we all like. HE GOT DOUBLE for HIS TROUBLE………………..FIRE PRODUCES……GOLD, PURETY, AND GOD IN US…………………..BURN, BABY BURN…………….you say, WHAT does that have to do with Elisha and kids saying GO UP YOU OLD BALD HEAD….mocking him……………..MY HEAD is bald. You got stuff PEOPLE can make FUN about you. YOUR COLOR, AGE, WEIGHT, STUFF YOU BEEN THROUGH, going through. EVEN when you doing GOD’S work. IMMATURE people make fun. “GO UP YOU OLD BALD HEAD.”…………and that is what YOU WILL DO….GO UP…….TO GOD MORE….you need MORE ANOINTING AND FIRE…………….but those kids got eaten by 42 she bears……………IT TOOK JESUS 42 GENERATIONS…..but HE CAME THROUGH….after all the PROPHECIES, OUR SINS, DELAY…….HESTITATION, WONDER, DOUBT…………….JESUS CAME ROARING THROUGH…….FIRE, LIKE A FIRE, and CONSUMED everything in HIS PATH………………..I LAUGH at my trials, tribulations, temptations, people, EARTHY stuff…..CAUSE IN THE END……I BELONG TO GOD……………and HE got WHAT IT TAKES TO MAKE ME, MOLD ME, SHAPE ME. I don’t even know what I need. And what I KNOW I NEED…..I DON’T WANT…………..but it’s COMING……LEAVE on earth long enough, and it’s COMING…………FIRE….HOLY GHOST FIRE……………AND MY ULTIMATE PRAYER, to be MORE LIKE GOD, TO DO HIS WILL, TO RECEIVE….TO BE MORE ANOINTED……………..HE ANSWERS. He says, HERE you go SON………….A LITTLE FIRE never hurt……….IT WON’T BURN YOU…..but EVERYTHING ELSE…………GOTTA GO. GOTTA GO…..GET thee hence Satan……..HE’LL BURN….FOREVER……and so will all that EXCESS……BURN BABY BURN……………………….now I GOTTA GO ADD some more people to GOD’S KINGDOM……….I’M IN THE AIR FORCE….DROPPING BOMBS ON satan’s kingdom. LOL! HE SAID, I’M JUST SERVING GOD CAUSE I’M SO BLESSING. Not so……..FOOL………….I’M SERVING GOD….BECAUSE HE’S WORTHY……………IF I DIE, with JUST MY NAKED BODY…………………..HIM IN MY SOUL………….MEANS I’M THE RICHEST MAN………..ever compared to those WITHOUT HIM………………….
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 17:03:50 +0000

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