GOD HAS PROMISED TO RELEASED YOUR GLORY AS YOU READ THIS BULLETIN. HAVE FAITH IN GOD. AWAKE! OH MY INNER TREASURE Ps 57:8a Awake up, my glory; awake, Ecc. 10:7 I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth. Ephes 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, “Whatever God has already given to you will create anything else He has promised to you” -----Mike Murdock. The life of a man is like a mirror. If you laugh at it, it laughs back at you and vise visa. It is like a virgin land without cultivation and will remain valueless until someone cares to harvest the resources in the land. For example, petroleum remained valueless in Nigeria until it was discovered after independence. Until you do something about your life, it remains valueless. John Mason commented “God’s gifts are never loans; they are always deposits” Your life is full of inner treasure but you must pull it out of you. It is not what you contain that matters, but what you can pull out of your life. Many died as pauper but God created them with many glorious attribute. Many people are suffering and serve as slaves under others that should be under them in one capacity or the other. The scripture gives the picture of this in the book of Ecc. 10:7. the prince has become slave while the slave turned to prince. The children of the light are suffering and the children of darkness are now making head way. This is contrary to the plan and purpose of God. This is not supposed to be so. Ps 57:8a says awake, my glory, awake. This means the glory of many are sleeping and they have to wake them up today. You must utilize them for this generation. What does it mean for your glory to be sleeping? It means the owner may not be aware of his glory. It means the enemy has taken the glory and kept it somewhere. It means the owner of the glory is still living in sins and put his glory in bondage. It may be the glory is resting doing nothing in the coven of witchcraft. It may the glory is in the hand of the owner but yet not activated because a times need the power of God to operate. Until some people move closer to God and pray very well, they may not be able to do exploit in this world. Some men are created to be uniquely extra ordinary powerful in their glory and destiny fulfillment. Many of this people created to be powerful in destiny died as paupers in their village because of the resistance of the enemies and ignorant. They are ignorant of God potential in their life. According to the standard of heaven, they are supposed to help others to fulfill their destiny. God specifically told me one morning that” you are raised to set the destinies of others free” your failure to fulfill your destiny put many other people on your way to everlasting bondage because in your fulfillment lies their own fulfillment also. Until you awake from your sleep, your inner treasure remains dormant. You must know your identity in God. You must understand your qualification in God. Do you know the quality of life that God wants for you? Don’t you know that God is glorified in your glory? If the glory of God is clearly seen in your life, people will ask of your God and automatically follow your God. That means if your inner treasure appears and your glory shines for the world to see, it is a sure means of evangelism. At least, who does not want to associate with the blessed, you can speak boldly of your God if your life reveals the light of God. After all, the bible said a city on the hill cannot be hidden. If there is power failure and you put on your electrical generating set to give you light, everyone around you will see the light and benefit from the light. This exactly is the picture of believers according to the plan of heaven. There is darkness everywhere already. The light of God in you is supposed to overcome the darkness around. Isa. 60: 1-2(Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.) This scripture makes us to understand that darkness will cover everywhere but the glory of God in your life shall cover the darkness. The day God showed me my identity, I was intimidated. What God revealed to me more than 5 years ago remains constant and more now when he repeated the same thing this year. The high level is true for every believer that cares to know his or her identity in God. How do you pursue and fulfill to the fullest when you don’t know who you are. Do you know the number of stars attached to your glory? To whom much is given, much is expected. The knowledge of your identity determines where you are going in destiny. If you are limited in knowledge of your identification, which means the enemy has caged you and you cannot go far. There is tendency to stop on the way or the enemy may use that advantage to discourage you. Trivial thing can easily move you on the way when you don’t know who you are. Since God revealed my identity, nothing moves me again. Ungodly jealousy automatically disappears. I focus where I am going, no wavering. Why can’t you be more serious about your spiritual life once and pray that God will open your eyes to see your identity in him. Your inner treasure is unlimited but depends on your seriousness with the things of the kingdom. Some locate at the surface level and take rest in the journey. They have little achievements and relax; therefore they cannot take full potential. If it takes you days of fasting and prayer to know your identity in God, you better do. Who art thou? If you don’t have answer for this question, heaven is sorry for your life. Many realize what they should be very late in life. Some claim to have experience but it is late to apply. Don’t joke with your destiny anymore. Arise; wake up your inner treasure. The bible encourages us to serve God when we are youth. That is when you still have strength to pursue your destiny and purpose in life. Ecc. 12:1.you need to Know yourself image in life now. Bring out the hidden you. A man was taken to heaven in his vision and an angel took him to see the entire department over there. Along the line, he saw a man looking like him but more fatter and asked the angel about the man. The angel told him that that was the man he was supposed to be in the world but he refused to actualize what God deposited in to his life. The fatness in the man was the inner treasure he failed to use. He pleaded for the second chance, that is to go back and do something about his life but alas, it was too late for him. The angel told him he was going to die the third day because his time has expired. There is time for everything in life and we cannot change God’s calendar. Wake up your inner treasure today. Don’t waste your time complaining about what you have and what you don’t have but dig deep and manifest what heaven has deposited. The enemy knows the implications of your glory and that is why they will not allow you to take the glory back. Why can’t you rise at once and take your possessions? What you must know about life. 1. Many people can only live their life at best when they are shaken and troubled. 2. Each person is born to be remarkable. No two persons have the same identification even identical twins. 3. If your life is not making impact in the life of others, it is a useless life. 4. The worst tragedy of a man in life, apart from missing heaven is to die unfulfilled. 5. A man can be living but dead inside. 6. The greatest discovery is to discover God’s purpose and plan for your life. 7. A measure of divine treasure is deposited to everyman. 8. As precious metal cannot be found on the surface, the treasure in a man cannot be found on the surface. 9. The children of darkness have knowledge than the children of light. 10. The cemetery has swallowed many destinies. 11. A treasure can be stolen, sold or transferred to another by power of darkness 12. The people on top today utilize only negligible amount of resources in them (12 %) Signs to know your inner treasure 1. Pray your way to know your inner treasure and your identity in God. 2. Those things you are happy doing 3. Those things in your life that can help others. 4. Those things in high demand in your life. 5. Those things you can accomplish with minimal assistance. 6. That good desire that refuse to release you. 7. Those things that motivate you to be productive. 8. Those things that ignite zeal to perform them. 9. The difficult things you do effortless. 10. What you do that you get positive response from others. 11. What make doors open easily for you 12. What give you sense of personal satisfactions 13. What makes you develop new ideas 14. What make your spiritual leader happy 15. What you are willing to pursue with any cost. 16. Things you wish to make sacrifice 17. The work you feel confident to meet God 18. Those things God revealed in your dreams 19. Those things that multiply your value, bring humour and make people glorify God. YOU ARE SAVED ALREADY Testimonies 1. I got my visa to U.K when I received my glory through the man of GOD. 2. I got my visa to South Africa when I received my glory through the man of GOD. 3. Doors open for me when I got my glory through the man of GOD. I built my house in less than 6 months and bought my car. Other miracle of money on the way. 4. my business is moving terribly in Abuja after I got my glory through the man of GOD. 5. I knew who to marry clearly through the revelation of the man of GOD and my life is moving forward. 6. My madness disappears when the man of GOD prayed for me. Etc. YOU DONT NEED ANY PRAYER, THE GLORY HAS BEEN RELEASED ALREADY. NOW THAT YOU HAVE YOUR GLORIES, DOORS SHALL BE OPEN FOR YOU BECAUSE THE LORD HAS DEPOSITED SOME MONEY TO YOUR ACCOUNT FROM HEAVEN IN DOLLARS. GOOD LUCK. FROM EXECUTIVE PROPHET EMMANUEL DARE OLADEJO, THE G.O OF THE SWORD OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES, IBADAN. 08034064474. CONTRIBUTE FAITHFULLY TO THIS KINGDOM BUSINESS AND U SHALL BE GREATLY REWARDED. INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNT INCLUDED THE SWORD OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES(A.K.A LIVING SPRING ANOINTED CHURCH) UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF EXECUTIVE PROPHET EMMANUEL DARE OLADEJO(G.O) KINDLY INVITES YOU TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH PAY TITHES, TITHE OF TITHES, OFFERINGS, DONATIONS, THANKSGIVING OFFERINGS, ETC TO THE ACCOUNTS BELOW. ACCOUNT DETAIL: NAME: OLADEJO EMMANUEL DARE FIRST BANK: NO:2008107882. SKYE BANK NO:1013674728. FIDELITY BANK: NO:4020894668. GUARANTY TRUST BANK(GTB) NO:0128983015 CHURCH ACCOUNT DETAIL: UNION BANK. NAME: THE SWORD OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES. ACCT.NO: 0034531328 ADDRESS: SW8/15, OLUAYOOLA AVENUE, CHALLENGE, IBADAN. PHONE:08034064474. INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT OR PAYMENT OUTSIDE NIGERIA. DOMICILIARY ACCOUNT OR FOREIGN ACCOUNT FOR DOLLAR, POUND STERLING OR EURO. GT BANK WORLDWIDE NAME: OLADEJO EMMANUEL OLUDARE NO:0138594643 OR SUMMIT ANY CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER OF ANY BANK WORLDWIDE TO THE FIRST BANK ACCOUNT ABOVE OR SEND THE CHEQUE TO OUR ADDRESSES BELOW. OR USE SWIFT, RIA FINANCIAL, WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER OR GTFX(ORGANIZED BY GTBANK) FOR FOREIGN TRANSFERS. NAME:PROPHET OLADEJO EMMANUEL OLUDARE OR THE SWORD OF DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES.(FOR MINISTRY MONEY) ADDRESS: 1. SW8/15, OLUAYOOLA AVENUE, CHALLENGE, IBADAN. 2.P.O BOX 1579 DUGBE, IBADAN, NIGERIA. PHONE:08034064474,07081198925,08054168143,08101192289. CHURCH NEEDS. KEYBOARD CHURCH HALLS POWERFUL PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM CHAIRS GENERATOR BUS ETC
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:30:36 +0000

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