GOD IS AT WORK IN IRELAND ! FREEDOM MINISTRIES Hey! I just wanted to give you a quick update. Amazing things are going on here!!! God is pouring His Spirit out on the people of Ireland! We are doing regular soul winning training and street ministry in Northern Ireland! It has been amazing. There is peace in Northern Ireland after so many years of sectarian violence but many are still holding on to fear and resentment about the past. In fact, many believers who would never even go into some areas due to previous differences are finding that the simplicity of the Gospel is breaking down the walls and those who would have been opposed are open and receptive. The fields are ready to harvest! As the laborers are trained up we will quickly see Ireland Shaken by the Glory of God. Many have been saved, delivered, healed and touched by God. The young people here have been largely left out. Many of them grew up during "The Troubles" and many have never been to church. When we share the Gospel with them, they are open and are being touched by the presence of God on the streets. Many have experienced the Joy of the Lord immediately after receiving Christ! God is truly confirming His word with signs following just as He promised!!! We are teaching soul winning in several churches and will be teaching evangelism in Bible School Classes over the next few months. Thank you for your prayers and support. Kevin, Janet and the boys Freedom Ministries freeinjesus
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 14:40:22 +0000

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