GOD IS NOT WHAT YOU BELIEVE The god you have been taught to - TopicsExpress


GOD IS NOT WHAT YOU BELIEVE The god you have been taught to believe in does not exist. The god of religions who sits on high and watches you and responds to your prayers, that entity who you believe has a hand in your day-to-day life and such a grip on your heart and mind, exists only in your day-dreams. There is no holy god, no promised heaven, no redemption, no evil and no hell. There never was. That all powerful deity who you have mentally constructed in your own image, complete with pleasing countenance, ethnicity and culture you relate to, and language you understand, complete with likes, wants, sorrows, hopes, anger and joy which mirrors your own, is but a figment of your imagination. A comforting construct of your own fears and desires, made by your own mind to comfort yourself and shield you from being present in, and responsible for, your own living. God is not a super-human version of you and not a ‘him’ or a ‘her’. What god is? God, if we must use a name, is the air that you breathe. It is the magnificence of the trees which speak to each other and to you when a breeze or the wind makes the leaves dance. It is the azure blue of the sky on a clear day and it is the bird you see swirling in that sky. It is the blinding brilliance of the life- sustaining sun which warms you and soaks health-enhancing vitamins into your skin. It is the wonder of the stars shining in that dark sky at night and the glimpse of eternity as you gaze with admiration and awe at the enormity of the universe you see. It is the twitter and tweeting of the birds in your garden; it is the unconditional love of a pet. This ‘god’, this IT, is all around you wherever you look. It is in everything living thing you see and when you marvel at beauty, whether of a flower, a woman or a man, a radiant smile, it is there. It is in the comfort of companionship and the happiness of laughter. Or when you stand in awe at the foot of a majestic mountain or watch the flowing of a river, it is there. It is in the inanimate and the animated. It is in that which has been crafted by man or nature. IT is in your heart , and in every cell in your body. It is in the thrill of sailing the oceans, controlling a motor-bike, and running as fast as you can and it is in dancing to a rhythmic beat. It is in music and song which gives you goose-bumps and it is in knowing the complete surrender in love, of all that you are to another human. It is in loving and being loved. It lives and thrives in trust and love and giving and taking and sharing of love in all its many forms. IT is in the wonder of birth, in hunger and in contentment. It is in anger and joy and in your tears. And it is in the pain of death. It is in living. It is not a deity; it is not found in idolatry, it is not found in any book because all books can only be man’s thoughts written by man. Man can write of IT but that is merely a description of it. It does not reside in some heavenly realm. It does not seek your approval, nor your permission, your worship or your obedience. It has no use for your money or your defence of it. It has always been and always will be. It existed before your time and will continue after you are gone. It is only in life that you can know IT, because that which man calls ‘god’ is life itself. There is a reason, a rhythm, a rhyme to all life. A purpose, a need or season, a feed for every living creature, insect and plant. All life depends on the living and the dead. No creature or plant can survive or thrive one, without the other.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:29:07 +0000

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