GODBLESS US ALL N JESUS NAME WALK IN LIGHT EPH.5:8For you were once in darkness,but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light V9( for the fruit of the Spirit is all in goodness, righteousness,and truth ) V 10finding out what is acceptable yo the Lord . V11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness , but rather expose them.V14Awake , you who sleep,Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you lightDear Lord nJesus thank You for we walk in light not in darkness and we obey Your commandments and statutes ,follow You where You want us to go ,do what You want is to do and knowing and finding what is acceptable to You . Thank You for the fruit of the Spirit is manifested on us and thank You for teaching to livea Godly life of faith, love and purity so those who watch our life will ghe Reflection of Your work with us .The most powerful testimony is a Godly life .As children of God we are so Blessed to trust and obey Him for there is no other way to be fruitful ,successful,happy in Jesus is to trust and obey . Life is so hard with out Jesus in us so it is high time to give honor ,revernce , worship ,glorify and give thanks to the one and only true God Jesus Christ. for there is no other name that can be Our Greatest Healer , Supplier , Provider ,Savior and Our Dear Lord .John 14:6I Am the way the truth anc the life no one can to ghe Father except through Me . Blessed are we if we follow Jesus christ example and live humbly serving one another and most of all in everyghing we do put God first and He will crown us with success and become fruitful and full of life ,As we observe our Lords example and learn His commandments and trust and obey for ghere is no other way but the narrow way --Mat.7:13-14 Enter by the narrow gate ,for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destrction, and there are many who go in by it .Because narrow is the gate and difficilt is the way which leads to life ,and there are few who find it .--Few finds the narrow way for theh really choose the wide gate for it is easy to enter in it not knowing it will lead us to darkness and destruction and death . Do God s way and be a servant of the Lord remember to be a servant of the Lord is not easy :::live a life as a farmer and as a soldier but if you faint not and never , never ever give up all of our days are held in His hands crafted into His perfect plans and live all our life in His will not ours .And most of all Dear Lord thank You so much for all Your blessings bestowed upon us and thank You in advance for more more rare & lovely blessings coming on our way now n Jesus Miraculous power ful name amen Godbless
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:20:20 +0000

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