GOOD MORNING AND GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:7-8 The scriptures says to submit yourself to God. This means to give your heart and everything you have to him. Not just part of you, but all of you. When we do this, the devil will flee for he knows there isnt any room for him(devil) in our life. But too many times in our life, we want to be in control and that is where the old devil comes into our life as he has blinded us to the word of God and we walk away from God. The next verse says that if we will draw nigh unto God, then he will draw nigh unto us. God will give us that peace of joy, happiness and love when we call on him, and we become born-again believers in Christ Jesus. Christ says to cleanse our heart and hands from satan. God will help us through whatever test, temptation or trial that we might face in life. He is greater in all things than anyone or anything else that is on this earth. God gives us the opportunity to call upon him and be saved. He is waiting with open-stretched arms for us to call out to him and be saved. He is a God who hears and answers prayers and supplies our every need. He wants us to be our Savior and give to us eternal life that we will be able to spend eternity in heaven with him. Why so we put off what we know is best for us. We should be seeking God in everything we do. We should be putting him first and foremost in our lives. He is the answer to all of our needs, prayers and whatever else we need to live in this day and age. There is none other like Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Seek him while he may be found, for he will not tarry forever with your soul. Call upon him now for the forgiveness of your sins and a new start in life while you still can. He wants to save you from the pits of hell, but only you can do that by asking him into your life today. He wants to cleans and make you whole in the name of Jesus. Why are you wasting your time serving satan, when GOD can give you a peace that will surpass what satan can offer. God has everything you need to sustain your life while here on earth, then when it is your time to go and he calls your name, you will be taken home to glory to live with him forever and ever. Amen. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS AND KEEP YOU SAFE IN HIS ARMS DAILY. Just remember GOD loves you and I care about your soul. Smile and have a great day.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 12:38:12 +0000

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