GOOD MORNING!!! IF YOU READ ANY OF MY POSTS, YOU DO NEED TO READ THIS ONE, IT DIRECTLY AFFECTS EVERYONE IN KY, EITHER POSITIVELY OR NEGATIVELY. EITHER WAY....READ THE POST. (A lot of thinking, A lot of writing, Maybe some misspelling....please, be kind. HAHAHAH) Hello, everyone. I have had a little bit of a busy morning on the phone. I have called all of our Legislators (Pike County, KY), inquiring as to how they stand on SB43 & HB350 (our Medical Marijuana Bills). I informed all of them of my situation, because of my choice to lay down pain medication and grow my own personal medical marijuana, and that I am now waiting to see if I am going to be indicted, or not. I first spoke with Leslie Combs office, and I expect to hear back from her a little later today. I have spoken with her many times, and she is very open and reachable individual. I then received a phone call, and spoke at length with Hubert Collins. He remembers my father from his days refereeing basketball. Although he does have reservations about either bill, he seems to be open to research articles on the subject. Basically, his stance as he described it is, He tries not to vote, in contradiction to the things he taught in school. I told him the problem with this is, the things he taught in school were (even he admitted) were lies and propaganda. He posed the question of addiction and teen use, to which I deferred to recent studies showing a Steep decline in Teen Use in Colorado. Most attribute this to the taking away of the stigma. He then spoke of the gateway drug factor, at that point I mentioned that my belief is, if someone did not have to BUY Marijuan where they Sell the Cocaine & Pain Pills, then it would no longer be thought of that way. It is not a gateway, but when someone has options as to how they want to get high, or when you go there to get pot, and the dont have it but offer you another, most people of this mindset will opt to try the second option, then you are screwed. It was not the pot that caused the progression, it was that WHERE you have to get the pot, the situation caused the progression. He gave me his direct email, so I can forward him all of the latest innovations and research articles in the field. Next, I called Ray Jones, Jrs office. I was informed he was on another line, that he would get back to me today. We will wait and see if that actually happens, or not... Lastly, I spoke with Rep. Keith Halls (NOT OUR COUNTY ATTY) office. He was on his way to the todays Session, but the lady that answered spoke with me at length, on the subject. I was not given a direct answer as to the Medical Marijuana Acts, as she did not want to speak on his behalf, BUT, she did say that he in fact, does and has supported the CBD Oil bill(s). At this point I brought up the subject of the THC fighting cancer, and, my own story of Medical Marijuana helping me to stop taking pain medications two years ago. NOT, cut back, NOT on a kinda cut back, deal.....I woke one morning, didnt take one, and havent since. But, with the MMJ, I do not hurt anymore...Not like I still did with any amount of pain medication. We then spoke of one of her family members who suffers from chronic pain and how she did wish there was another option. At that point, she not only wanted me to send REP Hall the links to the articles I get my info from, SHE WANTED THEM SO SHE COULD LOOK INTO IT AS AN OPTION (once legal, of course), for her family member. So, I KNOW the articles will actually be put in front of REP Hall, for him see these facts, as well as the things he has already taken it upon himself to study, about CBD Oils!!! She also says that his office has received many calls, emails and letters ASKING for this legislation!!! This should tell you, as it has me, THE SYSTEM MAY BE WORKING, at least in this case. No one shut me down. Most everyone wanted to hear what I had to say, and not in a glad-handing way. They seemed genuinely interested in my point of view, if not favorable to it. I have said it, and said it, and said it...... CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS. They will talk to you. That Is Their Job. They will listen to what you have to say, and it seems to me, we are already winning this fight in KY. What have you done to actually further what you believe in, today? SHARE this post with your friends.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:11:31 +0000

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