GOOD MORNING UNION COUNTY!!! ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Many of you have recently realized that the quality life in Union County for YOURSELVES and mainly your CHILDREN is subject to the callous whims School Board Members and County Commissioners. The arbitrary and needless redistricting, let me say that again, the arbitrary and needless redistricting is going to disrupt so many families countywide, coupled with the arrogance, political posturing and wrongheaded decisions by the County commissioners is just complicating an already desperate situation. The May 6th election will determine what direction we take the county for the next 4 years. Think about that!!! Are you happy with whats been going on the last four years? > School Budget Impasse - year after year. > Name calling and arrogant behavior by both elected boards. > $91M judgement award that YOU, will pay, PLUS more then a $Million in combined attorney costs?? These SAME Commissioners now claim to have learned their lesson. A LESSON YOU ARE PAYING FOR AND WILL PAY FOR YEARS. > Lets not forget the mismanagement of DSS by BOCC, which became an INTERNATIONAL news event when a child of a DSS employee was found chained a porch with a DEAD CHICKEN AROUND HIS NECK. > Commissioner spent $100K on PR agent to spin the their bad decisions. > Commissioners who have twice approved SPOT Zoning for CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTORS & FOBs (friends of the board), ONE OF WHICH IS NOW Under a 26 Count FEDERAL indictment. I could go on, but I think you get the message. If youre reading this, then it is likely youre much better informed than most. What I ask, BEG of you to do is to go next-door and talk to your neighbors. TELL THEM WHATS GOING ON! Dont let them SLEEP through another election. You need help with that -- let me know. WE CANT FIX WASHINGTON DC or RALEIGH, BUT WE CAN FIX UNION COUNTY -- BUT YOU HAVE TO GET INVOLVED AND VOTE.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:23:00 +0000

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