GOT LAND, THANK AN INDIAN To many non-Aboriginal people, this - TopicsExpress


GOT LAND, THANK AN INDIAN To many non-Aboriginal people, this statement is negative and offensive and some may go as far as sating it is racist. There is a great of truth to this statement and the only reason anyone would find it offensive is because , the truth is often a hard pill to swallow. Aboriginal people of Turtle Island , Indians, were never a conquered nation. Not like the days of the mighty Roman Empire who were defeated and conquered by the Germanic Barbarian tribe to the point that word Roman now only exists as written pages of a once powerful nation. The Barbarians tribes were so powerful that they caused a period in time called the dark ages where all written history was at a standstill, people were scrambling around fighting to survive. I have to admire these Germanic tribes because they had to have risen from a great men of true skill and strength to have brought down such a great Empire as Rome was, back in the day. I am sure they must have been a proud Noble race which was to be honored by generations to come, a people of their word. I am proud to compare our Aboriginal warriors to the same status as these Germanic tribes. No matter what the Fist Europeans tried to do to us Indians, were battled on and hard, just like those Germanic tribes. Sure, went though hard times, and if spite of your European ancestors trying to annihilate , segregate, and assimilate, were are still here resisting and not as a conquered nation. Our warriors even rubbed out your greatest Indian killer of innocent old men, woman and babies, General Custer. So, in the end, your ancestors were left with no other choice but to form treaties with our resilient Indian Nations. But time has shown and proven that your European ancestors were not people of their word, and are deceitful, and lacked honor and pride, traits that most races would frown upon and seen as shameful. Although your fabrication of history might paint a pretty picture of your European ancestors, our people, Indians, have mastered your reading and writing skills and have plenty of documentations to more than contradicts your ancestral version of events that formed this great country. Something I am sure cannot be past down to your generations to come, to instill pride. These treaties were never a bill of sale to the land, only an agreement to share the land and resources. Your European ancestors never had the legal right to sell of give the land away to anyone, so, technically, this is still Indian land, as long as the sun shines, the grass grows and the river flows because when two people enter into an agreement and the other does not honor or comply, the agreement becomes null and void and forfeits to the other party. Just because today you might make yourself feel better by throwing us a bone now and then, or think you can buy a few token once Indian leaders and Chiefs, by flashing them with high paying sit on your ass jobs, It is still not and never will be an honor to the treaties. So, if you do not want to pass your shame on to your next generations to come and not have to feel offended and hurt by statements like, GOT LAND, THANK AN INDIAN,I would suggest to do what is honorable and honor the treaties. We are not going away and if you do not deal with the treaties your forefather left for you, as an inheritance, we will forever be a reminder of your dishonorable darkened past and a will forever be severe pain in your neck.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 10:17:36 +0000

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