GOV DICKSON MOBILIZES BAYELSANS TO RALLY SUPPORT FOR PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN’S RE-ELECTION .… INAUGURATES 120 MEMBER- PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN TEAM …. URGES GROUPS LIKE TAN AND OTHERS TO TAKE CAMPAIGNS TO STATES WHERE THE OPPOSITION HAS GREATER CONTROL Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson over the weekend mobilized Bayelsans from all the local government areas to rally support for President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s re-election bid in the February 14th, 2014, general elections, with a call on groups like TAN and others in Bayelsa State, putting up campaign structures for the President, other than the PDP, to take it to State, where the opposition is presently enjoying greater control. While, urging TAN and other groups like it not to dissipate energy campaigning for President here in Bayelsa, the Governor, assured that, Bayelsa, being the home State of the President, will give the PDP bulk votes come February 14th, 2015 and subsequent elections in the Country. Speaking during the inauguration of the 120 - member Bayelsa State Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) Presidential Campaign Team/Flag off of Campaigns at the Peace Park in Yenagoa, Governor Dickson explained that, the 120 membership of the committee was constituted to effectively coordinate the activities of the election of President Jonathan. He said members of the committee should consider it as a rare privilege and an opportunity to serve on a committee, that would coordinate the campaign activities of a President, that is one of their own and enjoined them to work assiduously to justify the confidence reposed in them. His words: “It is my singular honour and privilege to appreciate members and leaders of our party, who willingly accepted to serve in this important and historic assignment. It is historic, because it is not every day, that you get to work on a committee that will coordinate the election of one of your own, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. “It is important, because our nation and our people are at a turning point and we need to get him re-elected to finish the job, that he has started. And, it is for that reason that, we have composed the state Presidential campaign team, that will be chaired by me. “Let me appreciate our party for always standing by us. Our party is the only platform that is not founded on the Frontlines of our nation. There are some other parties, that are founded on ethnic and religious calculations. “Our party is an all-inclusive umbrella body, that has space for all Nigerians; the so called majority and the so called minority. Describing Bayelsa State as the home base of the PDP, the Governor emphasized the need for Bayelsans to work with unity of purpose and shun any form of divisive tendencies and violence capable of tarnishing the image of the state.” Governor Dickson, who said the state was looking forward to playing host to Nigerians on the 5th of next month, when President Jonathan is expected to visit for his presidential campaign, noted that, the occasion would be a homecoming to the President, as he is a son of the state. While thanking Nigerians for their support for the President, in the midst of daunting challenges, he urged them to give Dr. Jonathan their mandate for a second term to enable him finish the good works he has started. In their goodwill messages, Chairman of the Bayelsa State PDP, Col. Sam Inokoba (rtd), Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Konbowei Benson and the various speakers representing the 3 senatorial districts of the State, called for the re-election of President Jonathan, given his track record of achievements over the years. Other members of the committee are, the Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah (rtd), who will serve as Deputy Chairman, Col. Sam Inokoba, (rtd), 2nd Deputy Chairman, while Hon. Fyneman Wilson is the Campaign Coordinator. Also, King Amalate Turner, former Deputy Governor, Peremobowei Ebebi and Chief Timi Alaibe are to serve as Senatorial Campaign Coordinators. The Highpoint of the event was the presentation of the PDP flags by Governor Dickson to the state and national assembly candidates of the party.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 09:34:12 +0000

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