GOVERNOR WILLIE OBIANO: THE QUINTESSENTIAL LEADER Long after a good political leader had left office, his name would still be on the lips of people, and his name imprinted on their collective psyche. He or she would become a reference point as to exemplary model of political leadership. A good leader is the benchmark for assessing other political leaders. Bill Clinton, Julius Nyerere, and Nelson Mandela are good examples of archetypical good leaders. Back home in Nigeria, we still remember Chief Obafemi Awolowo with love and fondness owing to the achievements he recorded in the western region during his reign there. It is evident that Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra state wants to join the class of good political leaders. In spite of the obstacle of electoral case that is placed on his path, he has been providing good leadership to the Anambra people. His selfless and people-oriented leadership initiatives show that his motivation for entering politics is altruistic. He hasn’t stayed long in office, but his name is already imprinted on our collective psyche. And, Anambra people have got a new slogan and sing-song: Willie is working. But, is Dr Willie Obiano, the governor of Anambra state, not living up to our expectations? On June 25, 2014, Governor Obiano marked his 100 days in office; and, Chimamanda Adichie, the award-winning female novelist, spoke on language and community on that occasion. She attested to the improved security situation in the state, having learnt from a relative who resides in Onitsha that Anambra state is now secure. Onitsha, one of the commercial centers in the state, used to be infamous for the criminal activities that were perpetrated there in the past. It’s the haven of axe pick-pockets, kidnappers, armed robbers and other shady characters. But, upon assumption of power, Dr. Willie Obiano mapped out security strategies that would check the criminal activities in the state. He boosted the morale of the security personnel and gave them patrol vehicles. Vigilance groups, the navy, the army and the NDLEA were co-opted and integrated into the joint security task force that is code-named operation kpochapu. They’re charged with ridding Anambra state of criminals and kidnappers. His efforts to combat crimes in the state are yielding positive results. Notorious kidnappers terrorizing the people of the state and abducting rich people for ransom were arrested and clamped into detention. In the recent past, buildings at Aguleri and Ogidi towns that served as hide-outs for kidnappers were demolished. The incident was widely reported in the media. Now, there is low crime incidence in the state as kidnappers and armed robbers had fled the state. Security of lives and property is a sine-qua non for economic progress in any country. More so, in addition to overhauling the parlous security situation in the state, Dr. Willie Obiano has recorded giant strides in the area of infrastructural development. Anambra state has become a construction site now. From Onitsha to Nnewi, from Ayamelum to Orumba, new roads are being constructed, and dilapidated ones repaired. The governor inaugurated the construction of fourteen new roads in the state. And, three fly-overs are being constructed in Awka, the capital city. A bridge that will link the oil-fields of Aguleri to the outside world is being built, too. In order to augment and increase the financial wealth of the state, the governor has taken steps to develop the historic Ogbunike cave into a world class tourist centre. The Ogbunike cave can generate revenue for the state if it is developed. The forward-looking governor is looking outside the federal government budgetary allocation for the state for funds to execute important projects in the state. That’s why he is exploiting the tourism potentialities of the state. Again, the governor is partnering with the World Bank to tackle the ecological disaster that is ravaging some towns in the state. Farm lands and houses had been lost owing to the erosion menace. According to the governor, there are about a thousand erosion sites in the state. Erosion has wrecked havoc in the state. In 2006, in Ekwulobia, erosion caused the mass exodus of the Umuachina people. They fled their ancestral homes and sought refuge elsewhere. Happily, Goveror Obiano is working assiduously to check the menace. The amiable governor is desirous of giving Awka a look that befits a state capital. In this regard, he has inaugurated a committee that will oversee the redesigning of the Awka capital city. Soon, the capital city will become a place of aesthetic splendor. And, the governor’s distaste for filthiness and dirtiness is rubbing off on the people. He kick-started the campaign to keep the city clean. The people are imbibing the habit and attitude of keeping their surroundings cleans. They don’t dump refuse in the drainages, anymore. There is no gain saying the fact that Dr. Willie Obiano is working conscientiously and assiduously to transform Anambra state and give its citizens the dividends of democracy. If the morning shows how the day will be, then, Anambra state would become a haven of economic prosperity sooner than later.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:57:30 +0000

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