GOVERNORS SECOND INVITATION TO BIBLE STUDIES It started a month ago. A number of pastors paid the Governor a visit at 6 a.m. one morning perturbed by negative comments from some people about the governors good governance initiatives. Foremost is the comment that the Governor is overly strict in the application of the rule of law, like the No Fund Transfer Policy, that seems to make it difficult for people to receive the services of the provincial government. It all boils down to some people finding the implementation of small infrastructure projects that the BMs identified for the proponents slower than if the funds were fund-transferred. The latter are impatient and would want the funds fund transferred as was practiced in the past. After understanding the Governors explanation on the background (violations of laws and rules and regulations) and other circumstances (anecdotes of alleged graft and corruption) that make the application of the Rule of Law Policy an imperative, the pastors suggested that the Governor explain that to their flock. Governor was thereafter invited to Bible studies/service. In the Kiangan ministry, the Governor shared the Biblical basis of the Governors Rule of Law Policy, which the pastors pointed out to him is found in 2 Chronicles, where the Lord God appeared in King Solomons dream to instruct that he must at all times obey all laws and commands (insist on the Rule of Law), and the people must humble themselves and seek His face and turn away from their wicked ways (violations of law/graft and corrupt practices) so God may forgive them and heal their land. Otherwise disaster (administrative/penal sanctions) will befall the leader and/or the people.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:13:31 +0000

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