!! GOVIND -SAKHI !! Unflinching Faith,Surrender and - TopicsExpress


!! GOVIND -SAKHI !! Unflinching Faith,Surrender and Devotion to Krishna Draupadi’s most exceptional quality was that Shri Krishna considered her his sakhi (friend) and sister. Krishna cut his finger while beheading Shishupal, Draupadi immediately tore off a piece of her sari and bandaged his cut. Krishna said that with this loving act, she wrapped him in debt and he would repay each “thread” when the time arrives. Indeed, whenever Draupadi needed Krishna’s protection she fervently prayed for his help, he came to the rescue and gave her unlimited cloth. This is one of the stories of the origin of the Raksha Bandhan festival. Once, while the Pandavas were in exile, Durvasa Muni, who was known for his quick anger, suddenly decided to drop in along with his many thousands of disciples. He would naturally want something to eat for himself and his followers. The bowl that gave unlimited amount of food was with them. But the Pandavas and Draupadi had just eaten. The bowl would provide food for that day only until Draupadi had finished eating.There was no more food left. Fearful of Durvasa’s anger, Draupadi prayed to Krishna. When he appeared, Krishna asked if she had anything to eat because he was hungry. when Draupadi answered that she had nothing Krishna pointed out at the one grain of rice which was sticking to the vessel and asked Drupadi to bring it. He ate that single grin of rice. When Durvasa and his disciples arrived after bathing in the nearby river they were all so full that they did not want anything to eat, and thus left peacefully. Draupadi is an exemplification of bhakti, and she experienced God’s divine presence constantly in her life. When she questioned Krishna about everything that had happened to her, he reassured her: “Soon wilt thou, O Draupadi, behold the ladies of Bharatas race weep as thou dost. Even they, O timid one, will weep like thee, their kinsmen and friends being slain. They with whom, O lady, thou art angry, have their kinsmen and warriors already slain. With Bhima and Arjuna and the twins, at Yudhishthiras command, and agreeably to fate, and what hath been ordained by the Ordainer, I will accomplish all this. Their hour having arrived, the sons of Dhritarashtra, if they do not listen to my words, will surely lie down on the earth turned as morsels of dogs and jackals. The mountains of Himavat might shift their site, the Earth herself might spilt into a hundred fragments, the firmament itself with its myriads of stars might fall down, still my words can never be futile. Stop thy tears, I swear to thee, O Draupadi, soon wilt thou see thy husbands, with their enemies slain, and with prosperity crowning them. Her bhakti was unwavering, unflinching, exceptional, pure, divine and true. She was most dear to Lord Sri Krishna and earned his affection, kindness and mercy. When Lord Krishna was prepared to return to His abode (Vaikuntha), He said, Alas! I could not repay the debt of Draupadi for the word Govinda (when she uttered Govinda at the time of vastraharan). I am going without repaying it!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 05:18:42 +0000

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