GRACE by Charles M Gerber A NEW Beginning, in Jesus - TopicsExpress


GRACE by Charles M Gerber A NEW Beginning, in Jesus Christ. The old is GONE The new has COME You are NO LONGER identified by what you did wrong in the past or what was done to you, but by who you are IN CHRIST today BY GRACE. You are a new creation by the Blood of the Lamb of God. Galatians 6:1 6:1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. We must gaurd our hearts as we bring a message to help someone. Our honourable good intention does not garentee that the one who are to receive the message, of help, renewal and salvarion would accept it. The REPENTIVE person is hungry and open to Gods correction or atleast will hear what is said ander allow God to work in his heart over time. The UN-REPENTIVE however is the oppesite. Such a person will counter the attemp to correct and save, by any means possible. The most poppuler one is to accuse the messanger of past forgiven sins, from an uninformed, lack of understanding or compassion, received in the evil way of mallace and gossip. To continue in the same way, to try and lead such a person to salvation or cerrection in their non-receiptiveness, will only lead them to run in circles with your good intensions and message in attempting to frustrate you. They will attempt to discredit your character and even go over to character assasination by influencing more and more of other people who stand to gain by the message of salvation through the forgiveness of sins. Satan gave Paul a thorn in his FLESH not his spirit - Pauls past was used by his enemies to attemp to stop Paul from continieing his work in the Lord. You or me are not Paul and what Paul did, is not the point, the point is the absolute change Jesus brought to Pauls life. Jesus said to Paul that His GRACE is sufficient for Paul. Paul did not have to convince people or himself of being worthy of his salvation or annointing. It was given by God in His sovereign Wisdom and Will. Paul did not have to proove that he was worthy of his task. We are saved and must live by grace. For His Grace is sufficient for us. When we are weak, He is strong and His grace is made perfect in our weakness. Satan tries to bring us down by accusing us of past sin. By grace we were saved, forgiven, washed clean and made new to LIVE by Gods grace because of Jesus us truelly receiving Jesus by believing and living in Him. We are not to fret because of what we can not change, either past or present situations, but entrust it to God. God is able and willing. He lets all things work out for the good of those who love Him. Praise the Lord and worship God in the Holy Spirit and in Truth of the Salvation in Jesus Christ, as the EVER PRESENT Lord of your life (at all times). Read Isaiah 53. God was, is and will always be the same. One for many. Think of Jobs story and compare. Focus on Gods ways. Jesus was put in the situation as in Isa 53 and we can take Jesus as the perfect example how to react to Gods Will for our lives. Study Jesus words and ways while on earth and take up your own cross. Take note of the seamingly imperfect words and reactions of Jesus at times towards perpatrators and note His forgiveness. Note also how He trusts the Father, also with those who wouldnt listen and how He stretches out His Hand in love. Yet to some He did not want to show mariclea or speak to too much, due to their lack of faith, yet to those who belonged to Him, He had so much patients. Trust and Faith in God and His Grace.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:53:51 +0000

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