GRAPHIC MOONPIE -THE ARROW FUNDS MASTIFF NEGLECT CASE IS DOING WELL AFTER SURGERY. THE FIRST PICTURE IS THE TUMOR AFTER IT HAS BEEN DETACHED FROM HER FOOT. THE SECOND PICTURE IS MOONPIES FOOT FREE OF THE 4.06 POUND TUMOR ! WE ARE VERY GUARDED ON HER CONDITION- ABNORMAL TISSUE WAS FOUND . NOW WE WAIT FOR RESULTS. PLEASE KEEP MOONPIE CLOSE TO YOUR HEART.... (click on pictures to see full view) Update - Moonpie - The Arrow Fund Abnormal tissue was found underneath the stalk and also found traveling up the leg. Now we wait for patholgy results and we have put a rush on these. This surgery was much more difficult than anticipated once they got started. Thank you to Dr. Patti Sura and the surgical team at Blue Pearl - Louisville . Moonpie is still doing well after taking the 4.06 pound tumor from her leg. She does have a large wrap cast on it now. But we wanted to show you her foot before being wrapped. We switched her into a larger crate earlier today and she seemed to be looking for the tumor ! She did actually put her foot down once with the cast on. Her temperature has been normal and she is eating well. All good signs. Now we wait for the pathology report and cultures to come back to see what exactly we are dealing with. Whatever comes our way Moonpie is safe and we will provide her with the best care. We do need your help - donations are needed - The Arrow Fund has very high medical bills . Any amount if it comes from the heart is appreciated ..... Donations can be made at and checks may be mailed to The Arrow Fund P.O. Box 1127 Prospect, Kentucky 40059 . Thanks to all who supports our mission to help these forgotten Angels of severe torture , abuse, and negect. We appreciate you all and we could not continue without you. I also want to do a shout out to our Board and Volunteers who give of themselves everyday. Peace to you all ~Rebecca~ ****************************************************************************** PREVIOUS POST ON MOONPIE Moonpie- The Arrow Fund The Arrow Fund was alerted and this baby was rushed to Blue Pearl for treatment . She is severely emaciated as well. Initial bloodwork is good and she is heartworm negative. Radiographs were taken and Dr. Patti Sura of Blue Pearl will take this tumor/growth off tomorrow. We still do not know exactly what we are dealing with, so this entire tumor/growth will be sent off for biopsy. This is being done as soon as possible because the size is just so hard for this girl to get around. It is massive in size ! During surgery many different cultures will be taken as well. If you look at the picture of just the foot you can see that her entire foot is there, it is curved and there is a stalk growing out of that, and then the large tumor/growth is growing off of the stalk. We realize that the biopsy will take several days and some of the cultures could take weeks but we wanted her to be more comfortable in the meantime. We sure hope for good results to come back on all tests. It is amazing that someone would let a dog suffer like this . THIS IS SEVERE NEGLECT ! This case is under investigation and that is all we can say at this point. Moonpie is so sweet and The Arrow Fund is honored that we could step up to help her. Just look at her beautiful face... Please keep in mind that foster applications and adoption applications are available on our website at Donations (yes , hate to ask, but we must) are needed ! Donations can be made at our website and checks may be mailed to The Arrow Fund P.O. Box 1127 Prospect, Kentucky 40059. Thanks to all of you out there that support The Arrow Fund as we fight to combat severe cruelty, abuse , and neglect
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:00:00 +0000

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