GROUP INPUT NEEDED: I recently found your fb page and blog. I - TopicsExpress


GROUP INPUT NEEDED: I recently found your fb page and blog. I am very thankful and am trying to soak up all of the support through your wisdom and from others as well. ~ However, I am a bit anxious about a question that is gnawing at may have already answered it, but I havent seen it (yet) if you here goes. ~ My ex Patho/Narc sued me for custody of my two children 6 1/2 years after our separation. He left me for his friend...blah, blah. She was married, he was married...they left us and are now married. Same ol same ol. And, yes. We are divorced. Anyway, he filed suit in September of last year and it was settled in March of this year. Or rather, I settled because he has WAY more money than me...and he won custody of my 15 year old son. My 17 year old daughter had no intentions of going with him after this long, and also because she remembers and saw (and actually figured out on her own that daddy had a girlfriend...and came to me, sick crying and bawled up in fetal position to tell me something that was gonna hurt, but she just had to tell it) so, she remembers what her brother does not. She also knows what a cheating liar he is...and now knows the definition of his illness of Narcissism. ~ My son wanted to go live with his dad, but I know he didnt want to hurt me either. I get that no kid wants to choose between parents. It was apparent that he was brainwashed by his narcissistic dad and had somewhat withdrawn. I knew that it would have only pushed him farther away if I had resisted and tried to reason with him as to why he shouldnt. ~ As they did for the divorce expenses, my parents paid for the attorney fees for the custody suit and it had gone on for too long...I knew I had lost and my ex was gaining what hed always wanted. His son. Our daughter is with me, and my ex won Full Custodial Custody of our son. ~ He never attempted nor connected with our daughter his inclusion of her in the suit was a masked attempt to make him look like the great father that he believes himself to be. ~ To my question: What can I do now? I miss my son and my heart aches for him...and although we live in the same town, I have to scratch and prod to even get him to come over. Hes so brainwashed that I know if I didnt make the attempt, hed never take the initiative. (I blame his gas-lighting dad tho) But nonetheless...the result is the same. Parental, Sibling, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Grandparents Alienation. IS THERE ANYTHING THAT I CAN DO? WHATS YOUR RECOMMENDATION?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:05:10 +0000

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