Galatians 6:7 is quite a verse in GodsWord. It gives us a warning - TopicsExpress


Galatians 6:7 is quite a verse in GodsWord. It gives us a warning and a look into the future.Now we all would love to know the future and here you have it spelled out. This scripture also lends itself to the credibility of the Bible. Every last person will reap what he/she sows.Good or bad. You educate, you earn more money. You give,you receive. Commit crime; you serve time.Sowing and reaping. Why are we warned in verse 6,be not deceived God is not mocked? Simply,God is watching. He has rules set up for our own good. Put your hand in a flame what will happen? Untrue to your spouse what will be the outcome? Divorce? Transmitted disease? There are rules that some live by and some do not but disregarding these rules tells God basically, I will not. Thats not my way.Its a free country. Your choice but the future gets dimmer every day that goes by.We all grow old. Your future becomes your now. Look back on your life.Am I better for breaking all the rules? Ah but youre still on this side of the grass. Have you softened? Have you mocked God long enough? Think back then think ahead. Not too late to sow that you might reap something good. The cross the Son of God died on made it possible to live in heaven for eternity. You could have broken every rule,every law in the book. Put all behind you and all will be forgiven. Turn your life over to God.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 12:08:07 +0000

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