Gandhi was merely a part of the process......whilst he was doing - TopicsExpress


Gandhi was merely a part of the process......whilst he was doing his Dandi yatras and picking salt, revolutionaries and patriots were on the frontlines facing British bullets. Independence came to India due to a number of factors....... The end of the Second World War was the beginning of the end of the Colonial era. None of the major Colonial powers were the superpowers that they were once.......on the contrary Europe was a mass of rubble and none of these erstwhile powers had the means....or the will to hang on to their colonial possessions. That is why we observe that most colonies got their independence between 1945 and 1960.........notable exceptions being Spanish and Portuguese held countries from where the colonists were eventually ingloriously evicted after a long and bloody conflict.....Angola, Mozambique, Goa etc to mention a few. Post WW2 the US Govt too played a major role in decolonization by its emphatic anti colonialism stand and policy which in turn affected the attitude of aid recipient European countries towards their overseas possessions. Then of course, each colony / country had its own freedom movement....armed and political. .. Gandhi was a part of the political movement but he ended up getting a lot of publicity due to his maverick ways and other gimmicks which at best provided the western media with a lot of entertainment content........and had the rest of the world laughing at him !!!! To say Gandhi was the sole cause of Indias independence would be a great disservice to the memory of all those patriots who made the supreme sacrifice for the cause Prohibition......most liquor deaths due to illicit liquor are in Gujarat......thanks to prohibition !!!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:38:01 +0000

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