Gandhiji walked, Kerala Followed The Kerala state, which stood - TopicsExpress


Gandhiji walked, Kerala Followed The Kerala state, which stood divided into British Malabar and two princely states of Kochi and Travencore, was first united under the umbrella of unity and nationality by the visits of Gandhiji. Gandhiji came to Kerala at a time when the concept of a united Kerala (Aikya Keralam) was a distant dream. His visit united the minds of Malayalees which fortified the concept for a unified Kerala. Gandhiji visited Kerala as many as five times - in 1920(August 18), 1925(March 8-19), 1927 (October 9-25), 1934 (January 10-22) and 1937 (January 12-21). Each visit had a clear cut purpose, like in the incarnation stories in ancient sagas. In Kerala, he first visited Kozhikode city, from where the European colonisation took roots in India. The goal of this visit on 18August, 1920 was the propagation of Khilafat and Non-Cooperation movements. On that evening while addressing about 20,000 people assembled at Kozhikode beach, Gandhiji came down heavily on the British government for showing injustice to the Sultan of Turkey, by revoking their earlier promise to the Muslims in India during the First World War. The other points made by Gandhiji were about the goals of Swadeshi movement and need of buying and using only Indian made products. During the time of Malabar Mutiny in 1921, Gandhiji wished to visit all the areas of unrest to restore peace. While on his way to Malabar Gandhiji was blocked at Voltaire station by the police and denied him the permission to visit Malabar. After this incident, he made speeches about need of Hindu-Muslim unity at various meetings in Madras then. Vivekananda and Gandhiji January 12th, the date that signifies the 75 th anniversary of Gandhijis visit toMathrubhumi, is also celebrated as the National Youth Day in connection with Swami Vivekanandas birthday. Gandhiji was an admirer of Vivekananda and Sreeramakrishna. Vivekanandas period of activity was even before the time Gandhijis entry into Indian politics. Vivekananda visited Kerala in 1829 - 28 years before Gandhijis visit to Kerala. For Vivekananda, who travelled the state arguing with religious scholars and also expressing his dislike for the practice of untouchablity, Kerala looked like a mental asylum. Gandhijis second visit was to destroy this forts of untouchablity and to correct this insane state. During March 1925, Gandhiji visited Kerala for the second time. His visit was for the propaganda of Vaikom Satyagraha which aimed to open the road to temple for all sections of Hindus. In this visit Gandhi visited both Regent Queen Sethulakshmibhai of Travencore and Sree Narayana Guru. On his third visit in the year 1927, he came with preparations to go to Ceylon after visiting Kochi and Malabar. After visiting Travencore, Kochi and some areas of Malabar, Gandhiji returned to Delhi as he received a message from Viceroy Lord Irwin. Mathrubhumi and Gandhiji The `Mathrubhumi newspaper acted as a sword during the national freedom struggle. The paper which began its journey on the first anniversary of Gandhijis arrest by British government where he was sent to Erwada jail, became a daily newspaper on the day when Gandhiji broke the salt law with his Dandi march. Gandhiji was like a super editor of the Mathrubbhumi. On his fourth visit on January 13 1934, Gandhiji unveiled the picture of Congress leader and Mathrubhumi managing director late K. Madhavan Nair, at Kozhikode Town Hall. Then Gandhiji visited Mathrubhumi, and there too he unveiled the picture of Madahavan Nair. Gandhiji, who admired the activities of Madhavan Nair, opined that Mathrubhumi was a newspaper which stood on its own feet and in India only few newspapers could claim the same. Gandhijis fifth visit to Kerala was to participate in the celebration of Temple Entry Proclamation announced by Travencore Maharaja Sree Chithirthirunal Balarama Varmaon November 12, 1936. The visit which lasted from 12 to 21 January 1937, was limited to Travencore alone. During this visit that Gandhiji visited the school of Ayyankali at Venganoor and admired his activities. On January 21 Gandhiji reached Kottarakkara and opened the private temple of KMM Narayanan Nampoothiripad to all sections of Hindus. While addressing the public meeting after the function Gandhiji said: My pilgrimage to Travencore had reached its final stage. My gratitude to all, who made it a success .It was his adieu note to Kerala. A National Marriage The incident happened in1934 when Gandhiji was returning from his visit to Pakkanapuram. A raft was arranged at Moorattu Kadavu to carry the car to the other side of the river in which Gandhijji was traveling. People were thronging to the river side. Volunteers in khadi attires were striving to control the crowd. In the scene, a young couple was standing with the leaders in the river side with folded hands. They were a newly wed couple. They were waiting to see Gandhiji and to present him the silver plate which they got as a marriage gift. They were, Sunanda, daughter of Kunjambu a wood merchant in Kallayi, Calicut a wealthy man and Tharammal Krishnan, a Congress activist. As per the request of Kelappaji and other leaders, their marriage was organised as a `national marriage. People belonging to different caste and creed attended the function wearing khadi clothes. A big picture of Gandhiji was kept near the marriage stage. The bride and groom also wore khadi clothes. They got a costly silver plate as their weeding gift. They were waiting with a wish to handover the same to Gandhiji. Sunanda handed over the plate filled with oranges, and flowers. When Sunanda said, Bapu this is for you, Gandhi accepted it wholeheartedly and also blessed the couple. It was with a wish to make a negotiation in Vaikom Satyagraha that Gandhiji went to Indan Thuruthu Mana and held a discussion with the so called high caste people (savrana). Like the mission of Lord Krishna, who went to the Kauravas to avoid the Mahabhratha war. They held discussion in the special stage arranged in the outer part of the Mana. The caste leaders refused the demand of Gandhiji to open the road to temple to all Hindus. Gandhiji asked them why a path used by dogs, cats and antisocial people was denied to a section of Hindus. It is the result of their deeds (karma), it was the reply of the Namboothiri trusty. Their conversation went along like this: Nampoothiri: How can we throw away old customs? You claim that the people who are holding Satyagraha are suffering. But all the sufferings are for us. They are sitting in the pavements of the temple. And for us, touching even their shadow is a sin. So we go to the temple through another route. Is that itself is not a difficulty? Gandhi: It is really strange. ….I request you people to speak with some logic. Nampoothiri: There is no place for logic in the matter of religion. Gandhi: If this custom is based on the ancient Santhana Dharma, it should be seen all over India. But I havent seen it in any other part of India. Nampoothiri: Untouchability, is for sure exist in every part of India. We are just forwarding it in some more seriously. Gandhi: You are saying that these people are more despicable than criminals. But if they become Christians or Muslims the other day, then they wont be criminals anymore? Indan Thuruth Nampoothi kept mum to this query. Devaswom Commissioner also intervened in the discussion. The right is not allowed to people who are newly converted to Islam or Christian religion, and only the traditional Christians and Muslims enjoy the same. As a reply to this claim C Rajagopalachari retorted: Does it mean that Christians and Muslims can break the laws of God? But nobody gave answer for this question. At one point of the discussion Nampoothiri said that if the roads are opened to the untouchables then they(Nampoothiris) wont use it and will abandon the temples. When Gandhiji asked the Nampoothiri whether they were ready for a referendum on opening the temple road to all Hindus. To this a Nampoothiri asked whether the voting would be only among the people who come to the temple. Meanwhile one person said that Lord Parasuram created the whole Kerala for them. The meeting was dispersed without reaching at any conclusion. Gandhi-Guru meet Gandhiji who came to Kerala on March 12, 1925 to propagate Vaikom Satyagraha also went to Sivagiri Math. His accommodation was arranged at the house of a Sree Narayanadevotee A K Govindadas. Thousands of people crowded in the area. Even before Gandhijis arrival Gurudev was present there. Gandhiji who came in a car was received by Guru himself and was welcomed to the reception room. One of the disciples of Guru conducted athidhi pooja. Later both moved for a conversation. Judge of Kottayam, N Kumaran acted as the translator. When Gandhiji asked Gurudev whether untouchability is ordered in the veda texts of Hindus Gurus reply was a no. Guru also said that in the Vaikom Satyagraha movement too there is no such division . The conversation lasted for hours. Gandhiji shared his wish to stay at Sivagiri Math with Guru. For the Math, the day was a memorable one. The disciples and residents of the Math were happy. During the night Gandhiji inquired about Math and the prayers performed there. The disciples informed Gandhiji that the prayers were written by Guru himself. The public meeting was on next morning. Grud and Gandhiji arrived at the same stage. Guru said that they would work as per the directions and opinions of Gandhiji. Gandhiji acclaimed the activities of Guru and the Math. Gandhji who came down heavily against untouchbility, said that even Sree Narayana Guru is not able to walk in Vaikom and to change this, a public opinion must be formulated. He also spoke about khadi and spinning. Gandhiji also disclosed his request to Guru for making people to weave their own clothes by giving training in weaving and spinning. Guru was also there to bid adieu to Gandhiji. The atmosphere was like they are giving farewell to a great saint who came to visit the math. After the demise of Guru, Gandhiji again visited the Math on January 20 1934. On his third visit to the Math on January 16, 1937 Gandhiji said: I express my great happiness to visit this place for the third time. During my first visit I got the opportunity to felicitate Guruswami. You also asked me to understand the activities carried out by Guru among you people. During my first visit itself I sincerely tried for the same…. I agree to many of the advices of Guru. There is only one religion in the world. Even though there is only one tree, I believe that it has a number of branches. I remember I also said this to Guru. As each of the branches accepts the light of life from one base trunk, each religion gains its essence from one source. If there is only one religion, then there will be only one God…. Gandhiji was invitated to stay forever in Varakala. Gandhiji said that the invitation had made him long for it and Sivagri is one of the most wonderful places in India. Gandhiji and Waynad The old Waynd full of fog and malaria was a nightmare of Malabar. Because of malaria the outsiders were terrified of going there. But for collecting Harijana Fund and to convert a house there as Harijana welfare centre, Gandhiji reached there on 14 January 1934. The mist filled breeze, the ghats reaching up to the sky, the spins and curves, blue hills and wild animals attracted him a lot. The both side of road from Lakkidi Kotta were filled with women, men and children and workers of tea plantations wearing Korambakkuda(reed hat). With bands and dance Wayand welcomed Gandhiji. A house near Madakkimala in Kalpetta which was given as per the will of Thirunelli SubbayyaGoundar, was announced as Harijan Welfare Centre. He also received the funds given by various organizations as donation to the centre. Gandhiji and his team rested in a house, which was in front of the Jain temple in Puliyarmala. Many women came to have a glimpse of him. Among them were the relatives of former congress leader late Maniyankodu Krishna Gownder . Congress leader Dharmaraja Ayyar introduced the relatives of Krishan Gownder to Gandhiji. Gandhiji requested the women to donate their jewelleries to the Harijan fund. Hearing this, they gave it wholeheartedly. On reaching Kozhikode, Gandhiji said about Wayand: In Kaleptta in the midst of all the natural beauty, I will tell you exactly what I saw. I saw there wild figures belonging to human race. The miserable face of tribals were in his mind. The centre where Gandhiji took rest at Puliayarmala has now become Gandhi Museum. Ayyankali – An untiring warrior Gandhiji visited the place of Ayyankali in Venganoor, while he came to attend the Temple Entry Proclamation at Travencore in January 14, 1934. Gandhiji said that he understood that as a result of Ayyankalis efforts, considerable progress had been made in the condition of suffering people. Ayyankali was an untiring warrior. With the Temple Entry Proclamation, the untouchbality was almost out from Travencore. Though the proclamation was able to create wonders, efforts should be made to wipe off the custom from the country as whole. He also advised people to utilize the time allotted to visit the temple, religiously with intellect. While visiting temples, one should keep his mind and body clean, and they should enter with minds filled with prayer.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:17:17 +0000

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