Gemini Zodiac Horoscope for 2015 To those who dont know you - TopicsExpress


Gemini Zodiac Horoscope for 2015 To those who dont know you well, you may seem mercurial and somewhat distant. To those who know you well, you are an intelligent, quick-thinking person with many aspects to your personality. That makes sense because, after all, your sign is represented by the Twins. You have many moods and many facets, and you are an ever-changing example of constant metamorphosis. You have already reinvented yourself many times, Gemini, and you are bound to do so again and in a big way in 2015. This could mean the realization of a dream connected to a cause or a passion that is close to your heart. You had many memorable moments over the past year, and you should enter 2015 with a positive feeling and a lot of anticipation and hopefulness. Dont lose that spark of enthusiasm, and you can make the coming year even better than the last. Love: You may have had chances last year to rekindle an old romance, to start a new one, or to strengthen a relationship you already have. You allowed yourself to be more open to those who love you, and you have hopefully gained a greater sensitivity to others by learning to tune in better through increased empathy. Over the last year, you also had the chance to learn to be more decisive when it comes to your romantic relationships, and this should have helped you to build a better foundation for your love life. Those Gemini people who are in a committed relationship may experience power struggles with their mates, but ultimately it will only make your partnership stronger and more vibrant. A bond you forge with your mate will be a crowning achievement for both of you. This person will seem more like your ally than ever before. For single Geminis, you will find that youve become pickier and more difficult to please in terms of choosing the people you want to spend time with. Thats a good thing, because it means you will be more selective in getting to know people who are a good fit for you. Someone that you might meet at an event connected to a charitable cause or a commemoration of some kind will offer an immediate sense of recognition. It may seem like youve known this person all of your life, and this could be the one that lasts forever. Family: You may have found yourself in the position of having to be the family mediator this year. You may have experienced some conflict between yourself and other family members, or you may have been placed in the middle between warring parties. In your efforts to disentangle these conflicts, you could have made someone angry or resentful, and this may have caused some friction in your family life. If you stay strong and you remain compassionate and tolerant in 2015, you can recapture any joy that was lost as you struggled with quarrels and disagreements. A chance to strengthen family bonds will come early in the year, and it will be up to you to lead the way. Your position of strength in your family in the coming year may cause you some awkward moments, but ultimately you will come to be seen as mature, responsible, and approachable. You should notice a significant increase in the respect you receive from everyone. Keep the lines of communication open, and you will continue to progress in your family relationships. Career: Your quick thinking, grace under pressure, and your driven determination to succeed contributed a lot toward your success in the last year. You probably had a series of small opportunities that didnt seem like much individually, but over time you began to see a pattern. Each of your small successes in 2014 has given you a strong foundation on which to build much bigger success. Success that you will carry into 2015. You have showed off your ingenuity, your inventiveness, and your extraordinary uniqueness and people in power were paying attention. If you work for someone, you have been noticed by your superiors. Your boss or some other authority figure has noticed your talent, and you may be primed for a raise and/or a promotion. If you work for yourself, you have made contacts in the last year that could bring you big chances for increased income and chances to network, possibly on a bigger playing field. Someone you met may become a prominent and significant figure in your career, and you should start to see this persons impact on your work life quite clearly by the end of the summer. Keep going as you have been, and you can make 2015 a record-breaking year.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:47:44 +0000

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