Genesis chapter 2 Chapter 2 actually complements the Creation - TopicsExpress


Genesis chapter 2 Chapter 2 actually complements the Creation narrative in chapter 1. One of my books explain chapter 1 as painting the story in broad strokes and chapter 2 with fine strokes, painting in specific features. These finer strokes are used to describe the Garden of Eden, the creation of Adam and Eve and the beautiful picture of their intimacy with each other and with God. Furthermore, chapter 1 had a climax of the creation of humanity, but in chapter 2, it is the centerpiece. Therefore, in chapters 1 and 2 we are introduced to God and humanity, the main characters in the Bible. Verse 1 – Just as Jesus said “It is finished” (John 19:30), here God explains that He is finished creating the heavens and the earth. Verse 2 – God worked for 6 days and rested on the 7th. This is also how He created our bodies to survive. We are to work for 6 days and rest (both physically and spiritually) on the 7th. This pattern was also created for the Israelites who worked their land for 6 years, and let it rest the 7th. In fact, at one point they did not follow this command from God and were punished for not letting the land rest. I also believe Sunday is the day that God created for us to spiritually rejuvenate and spend in worship with Him. Verse 3 – God blessed this seventh day for mankind. Jesus tells us in Mark 2:27, that the Sabbath was made for man, not the other way around. We were not created to serve the Sabbath, but the Sabbath day was created for us to rest and worship God. Sanctified means “to make holy.” We are sanctified and “set apart” as God’s holy people. In addition, notice that God did not rest until all His work was complete. This is a great example of how we should we working when He returns. We should not be sitting around wondering when it will be. When Jesus was on the earth, He told the disciples that only the Father knows when He will return. We should be busy doing His work until the time comes. Verse 4 – Again we see that the Elohim God created everything out of nothing (ex nihilio). The LORD God refers to Jehovah Elohim. Verse 5-6 – God did everything! He created everything and then he watered it all. God is all – powerful (omnipotent). Verse 7 – God created man from the dust. I like the representation of this in the movie, “In the beginning.” Then God breathed life into him. You see, we are simply a spirit/soul inside of a body. It has helped me a lot to think of everyone I see as a beautiful spirit that God created. Also, because there is a body and soul, there is a constant conflict between the flesh wanting control, and the spirit (after the Fall). God wants our spirit to be in control, but oftentimes our flesh wins out. In Galatians 5:16, Paul tells us to “walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the flesh.” And in Romans 8:8, “Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” Verse 8-9 – The Garden of Eden was a beautiful place, heaven on earth! Not only did God create it to take care of man’s physical needs, He also made it beautiful for man to see. I believe the Tree of Life is symbolic of Jesus, for if we partake of Him we will have eternal life. The Tree of Life is also spoken of in Revelation as “the leaves of the Tree were for the healing of the nations.” The tree of knowledge of good and evil is also introduced here. Verse 10 – This same river is spoken of in Rev 22:1 and Psalm 46:4, “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells.” Are these “four heads” referring to the four gospels? What is your opinion? Verse 11 – 13 – I do not know anything about the Pison and Gihon rivers! Verse 14 – Even though no one knows exactly where the Garden of Eden was located, the Euphrates River is known today. Verse 15 – 17 – In the Garden was the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death. Adam was commanded not to eat from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, and was told he would die if he did. This is referring to physical death. The Spirit of man will either live an eternity in heaven, or in hell. Verse 18 – God made woman as a help mate for man. This particular verse appears to be complicated, but it is very clear. The woman was created to help man. Men were created as the head of the household and women were to help him. (We will talk more about this later) Verse 19 - 20 – Adam was designated as ruler over the animals. We are not at the same level as animals, as some believe. Adam names them and will rule over them. God also points out that Adam needs a suitable helper. Verse 21-23 – God creates woman here, from the rib of man. I have heard scholars say that God did not take woman from the heel of man, so he can walk all over her, but from his rib, so they can walk side by side. The man is the head over the woman, but in a kind and loving way. Verse 24-25 – Husbands and wives are to be one flesh. There should be a division of the parents from the husband at this point. In a counseling class I took, I learned that many marriages have problems because either the husband or wife has not cut the strings between themselves and their parents. This is also a beautiful picture of intimacy between the husband and wife.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Jun 2013 15:57:12 +0000

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