Geographical location of Sweden - like Norway or Finland - decided - TopicsExpress


Geographical location of Sweden - like Norway or Finland - decided to certain differences between those countries, going well beyond the climatic conditions. These countries are also characterized by a specificity of political, economic and social issues. It stems largely from distinct historical factors, which influenced the geographical location. It just decided that Sweden until the seventeenth century. Was completely isolated from the rest of Europe. This applies particularly to social and cultural processes - not developed there views and ideas characteristic of the Renaissance. The era of the Renaissance brought very little to the culture of this country. Also in subsequent periods occurring in Western Europe, political, economic and social engaged in Sweden with considerable delay. Their course was there usually slow and much milder than in other countries. Revolutionary, and therefore very rapid changes in Western Europe stretched in Sweden for many decades. Rebirth of a man in the Renaissance was to reject the ideals of medieval asceticism, denying the system of medieval scholasticism and gradualnego (lowest hierarchy of beings from the spiritual). A new era has emphasized the extraordinary dignity of every human being, the value of earthly life. With so understood the value of earthly life was associated curiosity and desire to explore. It was a huge box that belonged only to discover and explore. Hence the fifteenth and sixteenth century is a time of great geographical discoveries and scientific journey. The Renaissance is also the rebirth of science and art. Appeared in print, has revolutionized an entire era, thinking about the world and the transfer of information. Books that have hitherto been almost inaccessible and unattainable due to their price, they became public domain. This event affected the speed of transmission of ideas and thoughts. You also can not forget that the Renaissance is the time at which the abundant positive achievements of ancient, which to him were canceled and erected it as a model. The Middle Ages is not surrounded ancient monuments special veneration, and the thought was just a collection of ancient wise sentences. The Renaissance gave new meaning to antiquity. Antiquity became a criterion for assessing the achievements of the Renaissance, the canon of beauty in art and philosophy. Became very popular slogan back to the source - the ad fontes. According to researchers at the birth of the Renaissance era was also influenced, among others, crisis of the papacy, loosening ties between the papacy with the Empire, urban development, trade and crafts. Moreover Revival took place only in the Latin parts of Europe. In Byzantine and Orthodox countries there has been no breakthrough Renaissance.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 00:48:33 +0000

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