George Zimmerman on trial for the killing of Trayvon Martin is a - TopicsExpress


George Zimmerman on trial for the killing of Trayvon Martin is a Libra. The scales of justice are upon him for a reason. He brought this to himself. He has another side of him that wants to correct the balance of justice and power. He very much wanted to be a cop. He has Pluto in Libra indicating that yes he could kill a spouse or be on trial for a killing. Almost like two personalities: a good and a bad. There is some abuse somewhere in his background associated with his father or older man. The death of a father or grandfather or older man affected him in some way. Was there a murder in his family that he is seeking a sort of justice for? This occurred about 17 to 20 years of age.Prosecution needs to investigate his studies in the law or police enforcement. Is he an activist in something? His interest is also in cultures and spirituality/religion. His chart indicates he is nervous and needs to be in a service, move around. He likes to be on the go, working. He wanted to be a cop and I can not amplify this enough. He seems to always have problems in the neighborhoods he lives in. A territorial type of thing.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 17:59:48 +0000

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