George has been a real PITA the past couple of days. Coldest week - TopicsExpress


George has been a real PITA the past couple of days. Coldest week of the season, by far, and he refuses to come inside. Calling and calling and no George. We have 17 acres, most of them wooded wetlands, and he has never gone into the high grass to wander. Well. This has evidently changed but I havent figured out WHERE hes going. If you remember a few weeks ago, he was out for hours at a time and came back in FAT and licking his chops. Last night neither he or Bear, my Shih Tzu, would come in after theyre evening constitutional. Bear has to be tied up when hes outside because he loses his mind when he gets out unleashed and he bolts so I know he cant get far. I keep looking outside and his leash hasnt moved in several minutes so I know he hasnt moved and its COLD out. Snow on the ground and frigid. What the heck are they doing??? So I call and call, getting louder and more aggravated each time. Now Im putting on my boots, coat and gloves to go and investigate. I am NOT happy about this. I have MS, I havent been walking very well the past few days and the last thing I want to do is trudge out and drag two furballs back in the house. They are both at the bottom of the steps eating what looks like a turkey carcass in a plastic bag. Gross. Honestly I have really no idea where George found it and I swear it has feathers in the bag! I get them both in the house and proceed to screaming like a lunatic at them. This morning, my boyfriend informs me he got rid of their treasure but George decorated his cage overnight so he needs to be cleaned up. Yep, good morning sunshine. So after all that, I let him out again knowing the treasure at the bottom of the step is gone but he disappeared, AGAIN!! Im screaming out the door, hes no where to been found. I go to the front door and start yelling and I see his happy little ass playing near a large pile of topsoil just having the time of his life. So he finally comes in and I am fit to be tied. I think hes going to have to start wearing his harness and get leashed when he goes out now too, at least for a while which has me absolutely fit to be tied. Ok, rant over. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:21:28 +0000

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